Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Sister's Blog

My sister Ilene was one of my faithful readers, even though, like the rest of my family, she never left a comment. In November she decided to start her own blog! In her last posting, she published a photo report of our family gathering of last Saturday, the one for which I made the lefse. Check her out at http://ileneinvernonia.blogspot.com


  1. I visited your sister's blog and loved the pictures! Just great and everyone seemed to be having such fun! Thanks for the tip!

  2. My favorite pic is Heidi eating her cupcake.

  3. It was fun learning Ilene is your sister. You seem to have a wonderful family.

  4. I've visited your sister's blog, Linda. You all have a very lovely, fun family.

  5. Thanks, Linda. It is fun to have more readers. I am pleased that several family members left comments.

  6. I will head on over...


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