Monday, March 10, 2025

Saving Daylight?


Grocery store daffodils and shamrocks decorate my table. We're already well into March. Daylight Saving time has happened. Are we saving any daylight, or just moving it around? In a few days our sleep patterns will even out, but so far the cloudy skies haven't given us much evening light. The time change will stay, though, because we are pretty evenly divided about which way to change it, stay with standard time or spring ahead. Apparently even the President has stopped campaigning about it. 

Wood splitting continues at a slower pace here as other obligations occur. Sounders Socer season is now well under way. Tom and Jake went to a match last Wednesday and Tom and Jill went on Saturday. I enjoy watching from the comfort of home. 

I fell doing PT Saturday morning and landed hard on my bum and my elbow. When you have a metal hip joint, you bruise from the inside out. I have been sitting on an ice pack several times a day. My elbow is also very sore, but both are getting better and fortunately I did not land on my knee. No real damage was done. I will not be doing that backwards line walking exercise without a spotter for now. My balance is still very bad and I think it always will be. All the various specialists don't have a reason for it. 

Now the last load of laundry is calling me, and then it's time for another round of PT. It isn't raining so I might have time for some outside walking in the yard and up and down the driveway. So goes my daily life. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Busy Day

Tom was out by 10:00 working in the yard. First he spilt wood for an hour, then he strung cords for the electric chain saw and set up for Jake to come over for lunch and then wood splitting.

Then he was on his knees finishing cleaning up the bed he started yesterday. This would have been my job, but not this spring. That frustrates me, of course.

After lunch Tom and Jake worked on the pile of Madrone logs. Tom cut up big chunks into smaller chunks with the chain saw. These are misshapen chunks too hard to split. They will eventually be left in a far corner to rot away. Jake split and chopped the workable chunks. The stack of fire wood s growing.

In addition to doing all of my PT, I was out walking and checking in on them in the morning and afternoon. I also checked in on what was blooming in the front yard.

A few purple and while crocuses are popping up through the pewter foliage of a hardy cyclamen. 

Mini daffodils, primroses, and a hellebore.

This pretty pink hellebore finally opened.

Tomorrow is Friday, breakfast day. I will be happy to get out and see people. Tom went to a soccer match yesterday with Jake and will be going to another match on Saturday with Jill. I watch at home on television. Warm, dry and comfortable is OK with me.

Life goes on.

Monday, March 3, 2025


 The process of disposing of a very large Madrone tree has begun. 

On Saturday Mr. Lee and his crew were here to take down what was left of the tree.

The crew felled the tree, cut it up into firewood lengths, hauled away the tree top brush, and pruned the holly hedge, all on Saturday morning.

We were then left with some very large rounds to be split and hauled. Tom got some of the smaller stuff hauled to our yard and stacked. 

On Sunday Jake came over to help. They took some time sizing up the job. Those rounds were going to take a lot of work, and the result was going to be more wood than we or Jill wanted. 

Jake set to work with the wedge and sledge. Tom stacked and cleared. 
Jill was at the Whidbey cabin for the weekend but when she heard about the logging, she wanted to get in on the action. She joined in by early afternoon.

This is going to take a while, but eventually it will get done. Madrone is very dense, heavy wood, and must be split before it dries out and gets iron hard. Tom, Jill and Jake worked several hours before calling it a day for now.

Today, Monday, Isaac plans to come over and haul what has already been split. Jake will come back on Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 4th, is Jill's 52nd birthday. We are celebrating it today with the family at a steak house. Irene won't be there and we'll miss her, but Tom has been checking in on her with the question, "Did you feel this one?" Bellingham has been experiencing multiple earthquakes, not enough for damage, but strong enough this morning to wake Irene up. The answer, "Yes. I did!"

Saturday, March 1, 2025

World In Turmoil

 Donald Trump just blew up the world as we know it. He has no idea what he has done. He is destroying the fabric of international relationships. He is a puppet of Putin and a victim of his own solipsism and narcissism. 

I don't know the way out. I weep for the world and our nation. I yearn for more young people to start being aware and activated. I am old. I can only do so much. We are in danger.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


 On Monday night we had a serious windstorm. It left a big mess in the yard and a tree down on the neighbor's power line. 

The power line is restored, a crew has been hired and is coming on Saturday to clean up the large Madrone tree, and the last two days Tom has been busy cleaning up the yard.

Today the sky was blue and the temperature reached 63 degrees, and I spent 40 minutes outside, doing laps on the driveway and walking around the yard taking photos. Using my trekking poles, I am not yet very stable, but it was great to be outside in my garden.

A couple of purple crocus with silver cyclamen leaves.

Snowdrops finally got to open up.

The white Hellebore is a bit battered but a strong survivor of deep freezes, rain, and wind.

The pink Hellebore is later and not so battered.

Tom'sgreenhouse is full of geranium cuttings and overwintering tender plants.
Tulips are up.
Winter blooming hardy cyclamen are blooming.

Primroses persist.

Daffodils are in bud.
Cleaned up and dry, it's like today was suddenly a new season. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

My House Is A Rehab Clinic

 Now a month past my knee surgery date, my physical therapy exercise list has grown longer, and our attempt to duplicate the clinic setups to do them has become more extensive.

While I am not sleeping in bed yet it is the station where three times a day I do my "supine" exercises, things like Isometric quadriceps, Gluteal sets, knee extensions, and Heel slides. I use my fabric cutting board as a slippery surface for heel slides.

My old, hand me down stationary bike has been moved from the garage to the dining room for twice a day work outs. I'm up to 15 minutes a ride.
Furniture has been moved to clear an indoor walking path that circles through the downstairs.
In the kitchen painters tape has been put down for the "Lateral Back and Forth Shuffle Agility Ladder" and Walking on Line exercise.
The mirror, usually in the garden in summer, is for monitoring leg position for the squats with walker support and the step ups on a platform Tom built.
In the kitchen I use the pantry door for "Standing Lumbar Extension" and the counters for support for Standing Heel Rise, Knee Flexion, and Hip Abduction.
At the kitchen table I do seated Knee Flexion Stretch, Seated Knee Extension, and the worst, the 5 minute Knee Extension Stretch for leg straightening. 
On the table you see the clip board with my checklist charts and directions. Most of these exercise are done three times a day, and I keep myself honest by using the checklists. So far I have made myself do them every day. 

In between, I ice and elevate three times a day, walk and bike and help prepare meals. 

My days are busy, but I get to sit and watch TV in the evenings, after my third set of PT, of course. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

More About Me


Hopefully at sometime in the not too distant future I might have something to post about besides myself.  However for right now my days are centered around all the things I need to do to take care of myself and get stronger. 

Yesterday, Thursday, I got outside to walk the driveway with my trekking poles. That's new. I feel unsteady, but it's coming along. Today I used the poles to go to physical therapy in the afternoon, and now I have even more exercises to do. I also joined in Friday morning breakfast again. 

Yesterday I got our income taxes filed and accepted by the IRS. That is now off my list. 

The next four or five days will bring us heavy rain, which means no more walking outside for a while. I'll do laps around the house and ride my stationary bike, not very satisfying, but I need to keep moving. At least I can read while I am on my bike for up to 15 minutes at a time.

I started a new book, James, as told by Huck Finn's slave companion, Jim. So far it's rather intriguing. I confess I have never read the original books about Tom Sawyer or Huckle Finn.

Now it's time to go ice and elevate, my favorite times of the day.

See you later.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Things Are Looking Up

 Too much terrible news out of our nation's capitol. Too many days of dull sameness trying to rehab. Too many uncomfortable digestive system issues. Too many nights of poor sleep. I was feeling down, down, down.

Today I had a 1:00 therapy session with one of my two PT therapists. I was not looking forward to dragging myself there again.

Cathy was the first PT therapist I saw almost 15 years ago when I started dealing with physical problems, then with my back. She looked at my knee and said I needed to get that fixed. But it wasn't hurting me and there were other parts that needed attention first. 

We didn't get along well, I think becasue she was frustrated that I wasn't easy to fix, and I switched to Erica later. Both of them have seem me through two spinal fusions and two hip replacements. Cathy came to realize my complexities. I'm no easy fix.

Today I saw Cathy. She studied my charts and reports. She praised me for my progress and acknowledged my hard work and determination.  She introduced me to two new exercises that she decided I was ready for, guided me through them and praised me when I got them right. She shared that most of her patients my age would have given up by now. I told her my mother didn't raise any quitters. We talked about graduating from the walker to treking poles, and agreed that I should practice in the house before trying them outside in a week or two. My stability is still not great, but I have a goal. 

Then on the way home we stopped at the neighborhood park where there are paved walkways. The sun was shining, and the deep chill was gone. It was my first walk outside and it made me feel so much better. I only did a quarter of a mile but it felt great. 

For now at least, I am restored. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Some Days Are Diamonds

 Yesterday was a beautiful day, and a good day. 

I got enough sleep, made it through my shower without feeling faint, did some of my PT to loosen up, and made it on time to my twice a week physical therapy session at KP in Burien. My substitute PT therapist was pleased with my progress, my effort, and my attitude. 

When we pulled out of the parking lot, I said it was too nice to just go home. We turned right instead of left and drove over to Seahurst Park to just sit and enjoy the view. It was too cold and lacking the even paths I could walk on, but it sure was hard not to just get out of the car and go.

This is an arm of Puget Sound with the snow capped Olympic Mountains in the background. Directly behind that big driftwood log is the mountain called The Brothers. It is somewhat special to me because a couple of summers ago Jill climbed it with her brother Jake. 

It was good to get out and away for just a little bit.

Somedays are stone.

These are lyrics from a Joh Denver song, in case you are wondering. "Some days are diamond, some days are stone, sometimes the hard times won't leave me alone".

Today has been a bit rocky so far. But Jake is stopping by soon. I'm going to get out to get a haircut this afternoon, and tomorrow, Friday morning, I am hoping to make it out to breakfast.

The weather is changing. Clouds have covered the blue sky. There might be a bit of snow before we have a gradual warm up, which will bring rain. The weather forecast calls for showers and a few sun breaks. Normal February weather. Maybe by the time I am ready, there will be a chance to walk outside. A diamond day.

Happy Valentine's Day. Be loved. Spread love.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 It's February, Heart Month. 

As we turn our attention, in however limited amounts, to the heartless actions coming from the Trump administration, we hurt for those who are being damaged and threatened by those actions. It's going to be a rough road for a long while to come, and whether we still have a democracy, a government of the people, a government that cares for people, here and around the world, is in doubt. 

What can we do? It's easy to feel helpless. We can pay attention, donate to causes, demonstrate, call or write to our representatives in Washington DC, and we can show love to one another. 

It's easy to hate right now, easy to blame, easy to be discouraged and grumpy. But if we work to show kindness, cheerfulness, love, we feel better too. 

Find a reason to laugh, to make someone else smile and laugh, be kind to yourself and others. As I recover from surgery I have to remind myself of this.

Recovery is coming along well enough. As I deal with little discomforts I have to remind myself of how far I have come in 18 days, a long ways. 

Tom bought me grocery store flowers and I arranged them for the kitchen table. He pulled out the February table topper and place mats. Beauty helps.

Anyway we can, we will find beauty and spread love.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Renewal and Recovery

 Here on the west side of the mountains, coastal Washington state, renewal doesn't have to wait for spring. I can see things blooming from my recovery recliner, and now that the latest snow has mostly melted, I sent Tom out to get a few photos. As you know, I've gotta' have photos for my posts.

Witch Hazel

Hellebores and snowdrops.

The weather forecast calls for a week of cold nights and sunny days. Sunshine in my windows. I'll take it!

My recovery is progressing. I still have frequent trips to Physical Therapy, where I get new exercises to make me hurt, but progress in my knee flexibility is good. I have to deal with nerve pain in my calf from back issues that can be more painful than my knee, and long term issues with my hip flexor on my surgical leg cause restrictions and pain also, so it's a battle, but I am a warrior. I saw my surgical PA on Friday, had x-rays and an evaluation, and everything looks good. 

None of this is much fun, but I work to keep my spirits up. I'll watch the Super Bowl tomorrow for something to do. The commercials might be entertaining. I've decided to root for the Eagles. We birds of prey need to stick together.