Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Day in the Garden!

I thought the poor little snow drops would be crushed under the weight of eight inches of heavy, wet snow. but they have rebounded!

 Tom's collection of cyclamen are also beginning to bloom in the little winter garden outside the family room windows. 

 The air here is perfumed by the winter blooming sacacocca, with it's lovely vanilla scent. 
The snow is all gone except for the remnants of the mound shoveled off the driveway. 
Since our snow last Sunday and Monday, we have had lots of rain, a day of temps in the 50's, and today, Sun!
So we made this a gardening day, a day to get out and do the clean up that is needed after wind and rain and snow storms, when you have lots of big trees overhead. 

Branches have been picked up and the lawn raked, collecting lots of twigs and fir cones 

 The patio is clean again. 
 We even got down on hands and knees and began cleaning out some of the flower beds. 

You have to watch out where you step because the bulbs are coming up, daffodils here
 and tulips there.

 The buds on the magnolia stellata are getting plump and fuzzy. 

We spent almost five hours working outside. It felt great, although we are a bit stiff and sore now. 

But we had a very satisfying day in the garden, and bins full of yard waste to show for it. These were all empty when we started.

Politics are still very much on our minds. Our week three activism included more phone calls and emails and donations to organizations fighting for our progressive principles. We are very proud of the work of our governor and state attorney general and solicitor general in taking on the President and winning the first round in the immigration/travel ban. Yay, Washington State!


  1. As a fellow Washingtonian I'm delighted with the actions of our state government too. Your garden is a lovely ode to hope for better things to come.

  2. You got a lot done!! Isn't it amazing how the Snowdrops bounce right back after being covered with snow!!

  3. Like gardening in most places, you get out when you can. We don't always have suitable weather for gardening. Besides, gardening takes the mind off political issues.

  4. Oh, your post sure made me smile, knowing that spring is not far away now, with all those buds coming up through the ground. We didn't have nearly as much sun here, mostly overcast, but I had a really great walk with the ladies this morning. :-)

  5. I just can't believe your garden at this time of year! We've had deep snow for two months.

  6. Isn't it exciting to see the first signs of spring. A good example of hope. Politically I try to remember we are not in the room with Trump and his followers. They're in the room with us! There's more of us and the sleeping giant is awakening. Not just Democrats but Independents and non voters as well. The best evidence political activism is working is the repeal of Obamacare. Republicans are bolting away from Paul Ryan. They know they're passing around a hot potato and don't know how to get rid of it. Since Democrats don't have the votes to stop anything, political activism it has to be.

  7. I've been watching for signs of snowdrops that I planted last fall, but so far no sign. I don't have half your energy, where on earth do you get it?

  8. I love those early signs of Spring! We don't have signs of Spring here in the Midwest yet although it was warm enough for me to work out in the yard today. I also picked up sticks and limbs left from winter storms. I managed to get two large containers full before my back told me to stop. Love seeing your pictures!

  9. I wish we could see signs of spring here in Michigan. Love your photos of it coming to your state, though.

  10. You have an amazing garden! So lucky!

  11. What a beautiful spring you have. You make me feel lazy as our yard really needs lots of raking to get up all the broken tree branches and twigs that have fallen over the last few storms.

  12. Always such a delight to visit and see your garden, it is always so inspirational.

  13. I could almost feel the satisfaction of a day spent on garden work -- vicariously, but I could imagine it so well.

  14. Glad you were able to do some gardening after all that snow.

  15. Spring brings hope of better days and sore good to focus on something else than politics!

  16. It certainly was a nice break from the rain yesterday. We were all so glad to see the sun! You got a lot done as always.

  17. All that snow and you are still greener than we are. Everything is in bloom here which can be unfortunate if we get a late hard freeze. Hoping.
    Yes, yea Washington State. A beacon of sanity. Thank you.

  18. What a difference a few days make. All that snow and now everything looks so green. We're a long way off from spring, so I truly appreciate the photos. Makes me long for warmer weather.

  19. You have spring! It looks wonderful in your yard! :)

  20. Yay for you guys too! We must persist!
    It always amazes me that spring is already starting for you guys. It never started until April for us in Chicago.


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