Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 It's February, Heart Month. 

As we turn our attention, in however limited amounts, to the heartless actions coming from the Trump administration, we hurt for those who are being damaged and threatened by those actions. It's going to a rough road for a long while to come, and whether we still have a democracy, a government of the people, a government that cares for people, here and around the world, is in doubt. 

What can we do? It's easy to feel helpless. We can pay attention, donate to causes, demonstrate, call or write to our representatives in Washington DC, and we can show love to one another. 

It's easy to hate right now, easy to blame, easy to be discouraged and grumpy. But if we work to show kindness, cheerfulness, love, we feel better too. 

Find a reason to laugh, to make someone else smile and laugh, be kind to yourself and others. As I recover from surgery I have to remind myself of this.

Recovery is coming along well enough. As I deal with little discomforts I have to remind myself of how far I have come in 18 days, a long ways. 

Tom bought me grocery store flowers and I arranged them for the kitchen table. He pulled out the February table topper and place mats. Beauty helps.

Anyway we can, we will find beauty and spread love.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that the guy will end up being his own worst enemy. The things he is proposing won't work well and then he has to go back to another plan.


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