Sunday, February 2, 2025

Half Way Through?

 It's Ground Hogs Day, the mid point of winter. Whatever critter sees or doesn't see his shadow, we still have six weeks to go, but that means we've already made it half way. 

It has been snowing here all morning, but since it has remained just above freezing, there isn't much accumulation. It it freezes tonight we will have ice. My teacher daughter is really hoping for a late start in the morning, but not a missed day. She doesn't want any more days added to the school year. :-)

My recovery is progressing slowly. Lots of time propped up in my recliner, elevating and icing, is bringing the excess swelling down. The pain is moderating, except when I have to do my PT three times a day. Tom is a wonderful care taker.

When Tom went out to the street to get the newspaper this morning I sent my phone with him to take some photos. 

Snow on the driveway.

Snow on Hellebore
on snow drops
on cotoneaster berries. 
Snow on the roof and the fir trees
Snow on Winter Jasmine
Not much snow on the streets
Snow on maple
on the garden deck
Hardy cyclamen really are hardy

Tulips pushing up. Now that it is colder again they will get slowed down. Six weeks to wait, at least. 
Primroses seem undaunted.

And so it is we will also persist, and be patient, and continue to grow, if only in spirit. 


  1. Your husband did a beautiful job of capturing scenes in the snow. Hate you are laid up and can not get out and have a snowball fight with him.

  2. Nice snow! I think you may have more snow than we do. Anyways yours is fresh and clean looking! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Thank Tom for the snow garden tour! Be careful if you go outside! Linda in Kansas

  4. Yay for Tom! He did a great job with the photos. I'm glad you're recuperating well and have a fabulous, loving nurse caregiver, Linda. THAT is a LOT of snow! Wow! My daughter in Chicago had rain instead and flooding.

  5. You have snow that s wet enough to stick to everything. Looks great.

  6. We don’t have snow but heavy frost here. The rain stopped at the right moment and the roads were dry, so no ice on the roads.
    I prefer sun and frost than grey and rain. We are around -5 degrees Celsius today.
    Nice to know you are improving it must be another hard time for you but it is winter and better to stay inside and be able to walk in Spring and Summer in your garden.
    Stay safe indoors, Spring is on its way!


  7. We got snow here too and it's well below freezing. Should be an interesting walk to the bus this morning.

  8. That would be the negative of living in an area where snow melts quickly, the darned ice that often follows. We had (at home) another 14 cms/5.5 ins. of snow. I'm glad to be out of it for now.
    Continued best wishes for your recovery.

  9. Linda, I'm so sorry for your setback and your swollen leg. Hope you get well real soon. The snow in your yard and on the flowers is so pretty but won't warm weather and sunshine feel good again.

  10. Tom took great pictures of the poor snow covered plants. The snow is pretty but hopefully it doesn't stay around long.
    Good to know you're getting better day by day.


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