Friday, November 6, 2009

Days to Remember

Today in New York City a parade celebrated the Yankees 27th winning of the World Series. Today in Seattle a miles and hours long procession honored and mourned a police officer shot while sitting in his police car Halloween night. The shooter is unknown. Today in Orlando, Florida, a man laid off two years ago and out of work returned to his former place of employment and opened fire, killing one and injuring many. Today the community of Fort Hood, Texas is in shock and mourning after an Islamic soldier apparently fearing deployment to Iraq opened fire on fellow soldiers he was trained to help. Hate talk is radiating from right wing media. Twenty years ago the Berlin wall fell, allowing freedom to defeat tyranny. It would be flip to say we win some, lose some. But obviously we still have much to overcome.


  1. It seems to be a tragic world---it seem like more loses than wins.
    BUT--after the memorial for Officer Tim Brenton the Seattle Police did take in to custody a person in regards to the death of the officer.

    Let's bow our collective heads and ask someone --What's going on!!'.


  2. violence seems to rule...but peace will win in the end.

  3. such a sad post, Linda. This sort of news always makes my head reel.

  4. The news has not been good lately -- well, for sometime actually and it is hard to keep from getting discouraged. I want to ask, 'what are people thinking?' but maybe that's the trouble -- they aren't.


  5. Somebody said on the news that they wished the Fort Hood gunman's name was Smith. Me, too. I suppose now there's going to be a rash of hate talk against Muslims. I'm just hoping Americans will be better than that. This was a sick man, a crazy man. Just let's not tar every Muslim with his cracked paint brush.

  6. Ditto to what Sylvia and Kay posted. Sometimes when I hear such terrible news I almost feel as if I can't breathe, its so overwhelming.

  7. Linda, I fear that we live in a sad world, which seems to be getting worse, and not just in your country. Similar things are happening all over the world, including here in NZ. I hope something can be done soon before our grandchildren have to face these horrors. A very thoughtful blog. - Dave

  8. Very riveting post. Violence is so prevalent...very sad.

  9. So much tragedy. Very poignant post Linda. I agree with Kay, let's rise above the hate.

  10. When these things happen I too wonder what the world is comming to. Then I remind myself that most people are kind, most people are pretty sane, most people want to live in peace.
    There are so many people that the actions of just a few make us feel afraid.
    Like Kay, I hope that this will not mean another round of persecution for Muslims.

    On a cherrier note, congratulations on your new heat pump. I hope it keeps you warm and toasty with less enery costs.


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