Thursday, May 24, 2012

Some Tasks Are Just Tedious

We have an old freezer out in the garage that is not frost free, so once a year it has to be defrosted and cleaned.  I always do it in the spring. I decided to get it done before we leave on our trip so that it would be ready for this years crop of raspberries, which will ripen in early July.

 I empty it, turn it off, and put pans of boiling water in it and let it sit until the ice has melted.  While that was happening I went to the pet store to lay in a supply of food for Josy.  The kids will feed her while we're gone.
 It's tedious picking off the last bits of stuck ice, so I let it sit longer and helped Tom with his shelving project.  He needed a holder.
 Unfortunately his nail gun wasn't working well, and there was a lot of wait time, so I got the freezer finished, and Tom finally put on another nail head and we got that project done too.
 We'll probably wait to finish them when we get back.  We need more shelving because Tom's pop up book collection has grown so large it is displacing my pottery, some of which is now in tubs in the garage.  I'll be using the shelves to display pottery upstairs.
 This was all going on Wednesday, and I had one more tedious task to tackle.  

Can I rant a bit?  I am of average height, but I wear flat shoes.  Dress slacks are made long these days to fit over those ridiculous six inch heels.  So I have to shorten my new pants.  It's a job I hate. Measure, cut, mark, press.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much.  I have a serger to finish the new cut edge, and a special foot and stitch on my sewing machine for doing blind hemming.  The sewing part is actually the fast part.
 So an hour or so later, I have newly hemmed slacks that don't look any different than when I started.  Not my idea of fun sewing.
Today we spent a good part of the day cleaning in the garden.  The rain has stopped and there is trimming and weeding to be done before we go away for 18 days.  That kind of garden work can be tedious too, but I was glad to finally be back outside.  Of course when we get back from our trip we'll have to do it all over again.  Such is gardening.


  1. Oh my, I can certainly agree with you on hemming pants. I can't think of anything I hate to do more when it comes to sewing. I'm right in the middle, too tall for average length, and too short for tall. I hope you'll be able to post while you're gone.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Since I only wear muumuus and never pants, I don't have your problem. Lol.

  4. I'm tall and am thrilled to sometimes find pants long enough without special ordering them. Look like you are getting organized for a fun trip...

  5. I'm short, too, and I end up with my pants too long. Before I bought a sewing machine, I did them by hand, but I don't buy enough new clothes these days to worry about it much. I have a blind stitch on my machine but haven't had much luck using it.

  6. I don't like hemming new pants much either, but what I really hate is having to re-sew buttons because they are attached so precariously on brand new items.

  7. Tedious tasks but at least when you get back they won't be staring you in the face.
    Have a wonderful trip!

  8. Linda, I really enjoy these "day-in-the-life" posts. I've never heard of a pop-up book collection before.

    Looks great!

  9. I wear mostly jeans which I just roll up. For the other hems, I leave them at the alterations lady at the dry cleaners. It's worth the money to me. I lent my sewing machine to a friend 12 years ago and have never asked for it back.

  10. "I spy" on your shelf a book I too have--the pop up book, MOMMY?, which my tiny granddaughter loves to pull down and "read" on her own.

    Being short, I really have a problem with pants. Fortunately, capris have become popular and I can wear those in the summer months.


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