Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's good To Be Home

We were gone for twelve days.  In a garden that can be a long time.  Things grow.  Things fade and new things bloom.  Things that were carefully under control can now look out of control.

Yesterday, our first day back home, we took care of all of the laundry and grocery shopping and getting everything sorted and put away and caught up with the mail and bill paying.  Tom got the lawn mowed.

We picked vegetables and I picked and arranged flowers for the house.

Today I started in the yard by just taking a tour with my camera.  Then we got to work putting things back in order.
 I almost missed the lilies!

 Phlox are blooming, and my sunflowers are showing bright faces!  I haven't had sunflowers for many years.  someone gave us a packet of free seed and we started them in the green house.
 There is a new flush of roses.

 All of the hardy fuchsias are blooming/

Hydrangeas are still showy.

 The dahlias, sweet peas, and cosmos have gone skyward. 

Wow.  There's a lot going on in my garden.  It's good to be home. even if we will be leaving again soon.  I have to soak it all in while I can.


  1. Wow...your garden is generous in welcoming you back..

  2. You are as busy as I am, but in different ways. I'd love for my yard to look like yours.

  3. wow what a welcome home from your garden!!!!

  4. It's looking good despite you being gone so long. You must have had someone watering it for you.

  5. August is my favorite month on the mainland because of the lush foliage, trees, and flowers. Gorgeous garden, Linda!

  6. What a lovely show your garden put on for your return. It seems to be doing wonderfully unattended.

  7. Oh, GASP! What a beautiful set of pictures, and such a garden to welcome you home, Linda. Glad you are back but gosh, you're leaving again already? Hope it's a short trip. :-)

  8. You have one of most beautiful gardens I've ever seen. Your place is lovely with all those flowers. I just can't begin to imagine all the work it takes to manage them.

  9. What a wonderful sight for me to wake up to! Thank you, Linda. I'm so glad you had such a lovely welcome home from your garden. Your photos are so spectacular! I do like to get everything organized as soon as I get home too. :-)

  10. Beautiful! Are you sure a mystery gardener didn't visit while you were away? It all looks wonderful to me...I could almost smell the Tall Garden Phlox:)


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