Forget the rosy recovery picture I painted on my last post.
On Monday night I wrenched my knee trying to get out of my recliner during the night. Then on Tuesday we removed the catheter in my thigh that I wanted to get rid of that was delivering local anesthesia and was done. Well, the pain level was now greatly increased again. Be careful what you wish for. My leg started to swell up more again.
On Wednesday, today as I type, I got my first shower - Yay! - and then we had my first post surgery appointment with my PT therapist. "I have never seen such a swollen leg," she said.
Yep. I knew that was coming. So now I am restricted to my recliner with my feet way up in the air, being free only five minutes an hour. Here I sit and ice, ice, ice, and eat and read and sleep and TRY to type on my lap top. So many typos to correct! I have until this Friday afternoon to get the swelling down, when I return to PT.
I have way too much time to read the newspaper and there is plenty to read about Trump's latest atrocities and his crazy band of cabinet brothers.
I got pretty cranky and impatient with the setback, poor Tom, so I am trying harder to be patient and accepting. This to will pass.