Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunshine in My Windows Makes me Happy

Sorry, John Denver, but I borrowed a bit from you, with a slight change. I'm not walking around outside yet to have the sunshine on my shoulders, but I'm getting there.

We have had many days of sunny weather, so much so that we are beginning to say we need rain, and snow in our mountains. It is with the mountain snow pack that we get hydro power, drinking water, and agricultural irrigation.  And the skiers want fresh snow.

Looks like we might get rain and snow by the end of the week, just about when I would be ready for  a walk outside. My recovery is going well. The pain is much less. Later today we will remove the nerve block catheter that is in my thigh, then remove the soft dressing that is over my knee and most of my leg, and then with only the waterproof dressing, I can take a shower!

Tom is wearing down a bit, so I will try to be less helpless and do more. I need to anyway. I have never been that good at sitting around.

Moving on, and grateful for Tom and a fairly easy recovery so far. 


  1. I'm happy to hear your recovery is going well. Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. You zre doing great, it seems to me. I am so happy to hear your pain is lessening...

  3. Good to hear that things are progressing nicely.

  4. You need rain, we have too much here!
    The floods are terrible and a new storm is arriving. No sun for days and difficult to go out.
    I am glad you are already recovering keep taking the sun!☀️

  5. Good to hear that you're recovering well, Linda. Yes, stay off that Oxycodone if you can. Love the scene through your windows!

  6. Sunshine is great inside or outside! Good to hear that you are improving!

  7. Good news about your recovering! And yes, rain and snow seems to be the forecast for the beginning of Feb. but we shouldn't complain after the month we've had.

  8. This all sounds so difficult. I'm hoping that when it's all over, you will be perfect.


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