Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Popping Up

Sitting here in my recliner for what is supposed to be my down time, things keep popping up in my email. It's documents that I need to auto sign, and since we figured how to do that on some we got this morning, we can now breeze right through the process.

Yesterday we met with our financial advisors to catch up and agree to a few changes in our portfolio, hence the documents that needed signing. We are now assured that we can afford to get old. :-)

This morning we had our regular Zoom meet up, and then I spent the rest of the morning reminiscing through old blog posts in my archives. One of our garden members is compiling a list of places the club visited over the years, and I had posts from 2014 and 2015, but of course I got lost in memories of gardens and travels and beautiful photos. Oh my!

Things continue to pop up in our garden also, like the earliest Hellebore and snowdrops!

We got in our walk this afternoon, 1.22 miles today, not bad for an old woman wearing a knee brace and using a cane/walking stick, and scheduled for knee surgery next week. 

Gotta' keep moving.

And now it's time for me to pop up and start dinner. 

1 comment:

  1. New green foliage and blooms should help with the surgery.


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