Thursday, March 6, 2025

Busy Day

Tom was out by 10:00 working in the yard. First he spilt wood for an hour, then he strung cords for the electric chain saw and set up for Jake to come over for lunch and then wood splitting.

Then he was on his knees finishing cleaning up the bed he started yesterday. This would have been my job, but not this spring. That frustrates me, of course.

After lunch Tom and Jake worked on the pile of Madrone logs. Tom cut up big chunks into smaller chunks with the chain saw. These are misshapen chunks too hard to split. They will eventually be left in a far corner to rot away. Jake split and chopped the workable chunks. The stack of fire wood s growing.

In addition to doing all of my PT, I was out walking and checking in on them in the morning and afternoon. I also checked in on what was blooming in the front yard.

A few purple and while crocuses are popping up through the pewter foliage of a hardy cyclamen. 

Mini daffodils, primroses, and a hellebore.

This pretty pink hellebore finally opened.

Tomorrow is Friday, breakfast day. I will be happy to get out and see people. Tom went to a soccer match yesterday with Jake and will be going to another match on Saturday with Jill. I watch at home on television. Warm, dry and comfortable is OK with me.

Life goes on.


  1. One tree can be a big job. Tom is doing terrific clean up job on the flower bed.

  2. It's so frustrating not to be able to do the things that used to be so easy. Nice that Jake comes to give Tom a hand.

  3. so pretty. stay safe. i'm looking for a patience plant for myself slowing down. linda KS

  4. I'm sure you find it frustrating, and I do hope that all your PT will allow you to be out in the gardens soon.
    The spring flowers are simply lovely!

  5. Tom is a trooper!! The time you take now to get stronger will be worth it!!

  6. Hurray for Tom and Jake! Your job is to get better and better.

  7. When we came home with me paralyzed we knew we needed help with the garden, so we started asking around. Turns out our neighbour's nephew was interested. Now 40 or so he knows what he's doing and can take on all the heavy jobs. He has saved Mrs. F.G. and contributed enormously to helping with her dreams.

  8. Seeing that big tree and all that wood makes me think of that huge tree that just fell into our yard during the storm. There's no way DH could handle that alone. Glad Tom has help. I'm learning that getting help for some things that are suddenly beyond us is necessary. Getting help for things we used to handle on our own is something we simply have to accept. Love your yard!


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