Thursday, March 20, 2025

Spring Is Here!


Well, I think it's a little past morning now, and it isn't very spring like outside, but we are celebrating anyway, because we made it through the winter and flowers are blooming. 

I bundled up and went out in the misty 45 degree late morning to show you what the first day of Spring is looking like in Reeder Gardens. 

It took a while, but the daffodils are finally opening. Daffodils don't come back well in our garden so I buy a few new bulbs each year. 

Winter blooming cyclamen persist into spring, and the foliage is so pretty.

In the front yard. That maple tree is getting trimmed right now.

And YAY! The trilliums are up and almost in bloom.We have several clumps around the garden and it is always a treat to see them again. 
They were once commonly called WAKE ROBINS!

Spring is here!


  1. I never heard of trilliums called Wake Robins, but it mkes sense. Love all the beauty in your yard!

  2. Your border with the Primroses is ever so cheerful! We still have snow here...Spring will come in a month or two here...with false Spring like weather in between:)

  3. Reeder gardens are doing very well. You have some very hardy plants to get this far at this time.

  4. Happy Spring to you & Tom. Your garden beds are lovely and no doubt will look more and more lovely as the weeks go by.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! Linda in Kanss

  6. Happy Spring! Everything looks so green and fresh. Thank you for taking us for a walk in your gardens.

  7. The glass decorations are in the garden ! A sign of Spring!
    Many plants waking up in your garden it will be beautiful.

  8. Spring brings such joy in your yard and surrounds. Here the weeds are taking over. It is a good thing that one of my favorite things to do is week the yard, except it is getting a little harder on my old bones.

  9. Hello Linda! Just got the birds app thank you!


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