Saturday, March 1, 2025

World In Turmoil

 Donald Trump just blew up the world as we know it. He has no idea what he has done. He is destroying the fabric of international relationships. He is a puppet of Putin and a victim of his own solipsism and narcissism. 

I don't know the way out. I weep for the world and our nation. I yearn for more young people to start being aware and activated. I am old. I can only do so much. We are in danger.


  1. I know and agree with everything you said here. I am in despair and don't see any good way out, other than going back in time and purtting Kamala in charge. Unfortunately, that's not possible. I wish I knew how to get somewhere other than here. No country in the world is safe from what is coming.

  2. Some body has to step up nd bell the cat. we can't all be little mice.

  3. I agree and I worry for my children and grandchildren.

  4. We are definitely in danger, Linda. And I feel the same, I'm too old for this... stuff. But I will speak out, just not sure what good it will do.

  5. The only potential good I see is slight change in the mood of his supporters. While they are few and far between, some are beginning to speak out to say "this isn't what I voted for". Though, unfortunately it is exactly what he was saying and thus, they did vote for it.
    His and Vance's behaviour was beyond extreme and has definitely harmed the international relationships. The Republican Congress, Senate and the courts will have to change their tune and say no more...and soon.

    1. Mae, they did vote for this... maybe they didn't see it at the time, but they certainly can see it now... and if they don't, they're fooling themselves. And the really scary thing is: maybe they did see it... and actually want these things to happen? Could so many people be taken in like that?

  6. First and foremost, he has the biggest ego and thinks he knows all the answers. He is treating the USA as a business deal and a profit and loss problem. What I would question regardless of birthplace is: Is he really an American? A God Bless America American?


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