It was a good show with lots of interesting old stuff. Tom found a great watering can at a good price to add to his collection.
It was about noon when we left the Armory, so we looked for lunch near the capitol building. We found a great bakery/cafe.

No, we didn't go crazy here. But a lovely square of moist carrot cake was included with our soup and sandwich lunch.
We had a list of antique stores to check out, but the weather was mild and dry, so we chose instead to tour the capital campus.

The World War I memorial says Memorial to the World War. When it was erected we hadn't had a WWII yet.

Our capitol, technically the Legislative Building, is a majestic structure.
The flags were at half staff to honor a fallen soldier from our state.
A greeter waits in the entry hall.

The seal of the state is in the floor of the rotunda.
The house of Representatives.
A Senator's messy desk.
A detail in the Senate. Names of counties rim the ceiling. Seattle is in King County.
George resides on a balcony. He has a very shiny nose.
Here's why.
The Governor's Mansion is just next door. She wasn't expecting us so we didn't drop in.
The capital campus overlooks Capital Lake, which is the southern terminus of Puget Sound. A trail leads down the bluff to the lake path.

We said "Why not?" and set off.
These beauties and their less colorful lady friends met us at the water's edge.
A bald eagle perched high in a tree on the bluff watched all the comings and goings.
We never did make it to any antique stores.