Thursday, February 25, 2016

Early gardening in the Sunshine

Around here when the sun shines we go outside. With several dry, mild days this week, we have been able to cross a few things off our to-do list.
 You may recall that we had the fir hedge taken out last fall. this week we finished cleaning up the area and put up a property line fence where the original fence was before it was swallowed up by the hedge. 
On the lower property line, where there is open exposure to the neighbors, we planted more Arborvitae. As they grow we will keep them at an easily prunable height. 

Tom got the rest of the winter pruning done and the clippings picked up. 

Today I worked on the lawn for an hour before going to get a hair cut. I raked up debris in preparation for mowing the lawn.
 This may seem unimaginable for those of you who are still deep in winter, and we don't usually mow in February either, but with this early spring, everything is growing. 

After I got back from getting my hair cut I started cleaning out the flower beds. With tall fir trees overhead the beds are full of cones and twigs. A few perennials still need clipping . I got a good start on the job.

By 4:00 the mosquitoes were buzzing my ears. I stopped and put on some spray repellent and worked until 4:30. I managed to escape with only one bite. Damned bugs. 

It was 61° today. The weatherman says we will have clouds tomorrow, and rain by late afternoon. Hopefully we'll get in a walk and a bit more gardening, that is, if we aren't to stiff and sore to move. 

It looks like an on-and-off-again rainy week to come. You gotta' make hay while the sun shines around here. 


  1. It was a glorious day on Fidalgo Island. And it looks like it was perfect for you, too. I think I have a mosquito bite from today, too. As you say, damn bugs! :-)

  2. It was a beautiful day for us as well. Makes me nervous we may be in for another hot summer. I have 3 primroses on my patio that are blooming their little hearts out. Makes me smile when I walk by the patio door and see them.

  3. Same weather here and same rain moving in tomorrow. Oh well, we also got lots done while the sun shone. ( Then we'd go and sit down with a cup of tea and an Ibuprophen so we wouldn't stiffen up too badly.)

  4. It was a glorious day but, although I took the day off for a Dr. appointment, I didn't get much done in the garden other than walking around and making mental notes of what needs to be done. Saturday is coming! Your garden is looking grand as always!

  5. Oh my..... This won't happen here for months... Lucky you!

  6. spring is here also with fruit trees blooming and daffodils making their debut, temps in the 70s...summer will be early this year.

  7. Yes, it is unimaginable to me. I'm starting to wonder about moving to the west coast! About -18 here this morning.

  8. You got so many things done that I am still just thinking about. The stiff and sore muscle reminder made me realize---I can wait.

  9. It looks so pretty and like spring there. The sun is shining here today. We could use two weeks of sun and dry weather. I just looked at your post from the flower show, part 2. I've never seen so many pretty things to buy!! Not sure how I missed your last two posts. :)

  10. Things certainly are advanced there with grass growing and early blooms.

  11. Your yard looks nice. Nothing like green grass.

  12. We've started working in the garden too. Last week Paul aerated and fertilized, and after a night of rain to wash in the fertilizer, he mowed. The lawn looks great, but the beds are sprouting lots of weeds and I haven't gotten to them yet. We're enjoying the blue sky and mild temperatures too! He planted radishes in the garden! It's early, but he's eager to start growing.

  13. They mowed here at our condo in Walla Walla as well. Very early but the stuff is growing! Been looking in the nurseries but they haven't quite unpacked their goods yet.

  14. Good gracious! So you're having ANOTHER early spring. I still remember having to pay an extra $1000 to change our tickets to come earlier so we wouldn't miss the Skagit Valley tulips. It was worth every penny!!! Thank goodness you and DJan warned me. Mom loves to look at the photobook of that fabulous trip.

  15. Yes. I have big gardening plans for tomorrow. It is so spring like today which only makes me think it is a trick of Mother Nature and we will be having freezing temps in March. Oh well, I'm going to garden like its spring and what doesn't make it will get replaced when real Spring comes around.

  16. I can't imagine doing some early gardening in late February. You're so fortunate. The best I can do right now is get my ducks in a row. I've started saving banana peels foe planting my tomato plants!


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