Friday, April 23, 2021

Tulip Time, Part 2

 Outside of the Roozengaard Display garden enclosure, the displays go on and on, now as beds spaced across lawns and around trees, with views of the mountains to the east.

I was pleased to see that there were artists in action in the garden on Monday. I enjoy engaging them in brief conversations and seeing their work. I am always impressed by the art and skill of painting. I can only paint with my camera. 

Mount Baker was featured in quite a few painting this day. 

A salute to the University of Washington. 

The warm weather we had, up to 80 degrees, has brought on the tulips very fast, too fast for my garden, but there is still promise of more to come. 

There will be more to come here too. 


  1. Wow! The banks of tulips in all their glory is amazing, and the artists' work is lovely too.

  2. Just stunning. All the beauty and Mt. Baker, what is not to love?

  3. Lovely! I like how they plant those purple flowers between some of the rows of tulips. Very nice contrast. I took up painting but am not very good at it. I would look out the window or in the building and paint what I saw. Most people would paint from a photo or picture from a magazine. My centenarian artist friend disagreed with painting from printed medium because it has already been "captured". She captures the moment in her notebooks that she always has with her when traveling and draws on the spot. She later colors them with watercolor paint. They are works of art in book form.

  4. Oh wow! Oh wow! Linda, thank you so much for sharing these. It brings back such treasured memories of our visit there several years ago where we met up with DJan and were looking forward to seeing you later.

  5. All those different colours!! So lovely. I can only "paint" with my camera too and even that I don't do so well.

  6. The colours of the flowers are wonderful and you captured them so well. I like to paint in watercolour but am only a novice but would love to be there to try my hand at painting them. Thanks for sharing them with us and looking forward to seeing some more.

  7. I went on Thursday, but there were no painters. I love this year's display. And your pictures remind me how wonderful this festival is.

  8. would be a lovely place for painters...especially with the mountains in view!

  9. This little old prairie boy would still be standing by the tulip field This would really be something for me to see. Nicely done with all your photos.


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