Friday, July 19, 2013


Now that we're back home to stay for a little while, we picked crops today.

There was a big basket full of zucchini.  It looks like it's time to make some zucchini bread to freeze for the kids.  I'll do that Monday.  We're getting butter lettuce, but it will soon bolt, so we're having salads every day. The cucumbers and carrots are added to the salad.  Tom ate some of the peas as an hors d' oeuvre.  We had beets and beet green and sauteed zucchini with basil along with our salad and salmon for dinner. 

The transparent apples are dropping from our little espaliered tree, so I collected the wind falls and made apple sauce.  Even though Tom thought he was thinning them heavily, the apples are still quite small so I just washed them, halved them and cooked them peel, core and all, and then put them through the food mill.
 Three quarts of apple sauce went into the freezer.  Irene loves applesauce, and transparent sauce is especially good.
 Tom picked the rest of the apples, and I'll store them in a bin in the refrigerator until they get made into something. I'm sure there will be a green apple pie.
 And of course there were newly picked flowers for the house.  Here's one of three bouquets.
July is a wonderful month!


  1. Oh, yummy!! I miss my vegie garden, but not the work involved.

  2. I love zucchini bread. Please send a loaf my way. Lol. Cute carrots, by the way.

  3. So nice to see you still have some greens. Mine are long gone here and all I have left growing are cantaloupe and sweet potatoes for later and maybe some Malibar Spinach (summer vining spinach) if the voles don't get it first.
    Nice save on the apples. I lost my peaches to some kind of fruit fly larva. Did not want to add protein to my pies or smoothies.

  4. Beautiful bounty, Linda. I only have a tomato plant this year, but I like to stop by the local Farmers' Markets.

  5. Our garden is giving me so many summer squash that I hardly know how I'm going to eat it all. Yellow squash, some white thingy I don't know the name of, and zucchini. Yep, it's time for garden harvest. Love that first picture. :-)

  6. It looks so good!

    I must confess your profile makes me smile everytime I read the words "I am a proud Democrat". Me too! Most people won't offer such confessions - nice to one who will.

  7. It looks like it has been a great month.... Michelle

  8. I'm still making mango bread because my uncle keeps giving me much more than we can eat. However, I'm dying to make zucchini bread which I actually like even more.


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