Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Early Morning Walk

No camera.  Just my minds eye to remember.

The sun is not up yet.  Dew is heavy on the acres of mown lawns.  Rabbits hop.

I explore the complex and a residential street that dead ends in a lovely neighborhood, just as it provides a glimpse of open space and the top of a silo beyond.  I need to explore.

Out on the highway, the trucks nearly blow me off the shoulder. I cross the river and I seek refuge on the first side street.   Good choice!

Along the river perch old homes of stone and wood frame.  Farther along, B&B's with gracious lawns and old trees.  Pink hydrangeas against a stone house with blue shutters.

I cross the river again and farmland is ahead.  Miles of high standing corn.  Barns and silos.

I hear that lovely sound - clip, clop, clip clop.  I wait until it approaches, then turn to wave at the farmer in the straw hat.  He waves back.

It's time to turn around, but find a new route. An amazing garden!  I pause to look over the picket fence.  I want to knock and get a tour.  But it is early even for gardeners, and I have miles to go today, and much to do, and Tom awaits back at the hotel.

I return, refreshed.


  1. It's almost as good a scene through your words as through your pictures, Linda. :-)

  2. Peering into people's gardens is the best part of taking a walk.

  3. Lovely post. So reflective. Don't you love those early morning walks in new places?

  4. Well done with the visuals. Could almost see them and even shuddered at the truck buffeting.

  5. I must say... your words alone painted beautiful pictures for me.


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