Wednesday, May 4, 2011


By Tuesday afternoon our garden shopping done, and the sky cleared of rain clouds, we took to our hands and knees for the one big job of spring gardening that makes more difference than any other, edging the law.

There is nothing that sets off a garden as much as clean cut edges.  The shaggy look that develops over winter and early spring was really bugging me.  Finally it was warm enough and dry enough to get the job done.
And today it was sunny all day long!  With the lawn freshly mowed, the whole garden suddenly took on a finished look.

Of course it never stays that way.  After the initial cleaning up and planting, it is that maintenance that is what gardening is all about.

Today I worked on my patio pots, filling them with a combination of perennials and annuals.  It's still a bit cold for petunias, but we're pretty sure we've seen our last frosty night for this season.
Showers are in the forecast for the next five days, so we'll dodge them and work outside when we can.  It's back in the blood now.


  1. what a lovely manicured show your care.

  2. Yes, i reckon it is back in the blood now! Your garden is starting to look nice with the lawn edges trimmed and the other work begun or done - Dave

  3. Your garden is amazing and your edges are flawless! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your spring photos.

  4. You are correct: the clean cut edges are what make the garden look great. Keep up the good work, Linda.

  5. Guess I'd better ask Ken to get out the edger so I can use it. It does make a world of difference in a flower bed's appearance. Beautiful potted flowers you've put together!

  6. Linda, I think I have said this before, you have a beautiful garden, and I can see a very green thumb.

  7. I absolutely love your garden, as always it is outstanding. And I also love your pictures, I feel like I'm standing right there with you!

  8. I so agree with you about the edging!! Nothing sets off the look of a garden like those clean edges.


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