Monday, June 24, 2024

Back Home Again

 Since we returned home last Wednesday evening we have combined being busy and resting.

Thursday we had an appointment to have a new windshield installed on the Subaru. When the dealer installed new wiper blades, and then we drove in the rain to Bellingham, the blades scratched a big arc on the passenger side. The dealership refused to help so we went through our auto insurance and eventually got the job done for $100 deductable. With saefty feature cameras, new windshields have to be "callibrated". Who knew.

Then I tried to shop for new sneakers since mine are wearing out. Size 11 Wide Nikes, or anything else in womens, are impossible to find. I found some on line. I hope they actually arrive and they fit.

We have been combining gardening and resting and going places.

Garden abundance. 

Tom's mini-Hosta collection.

Friday was breakfast out, then grocery shopping, then some yard work. Saturday was morning Garden Club and potluck lunch, then resting and catching up inside before going to the Sounders game in the evening. 

Yes, I went to the stadium! No one else was available, my physical therapist had urged me to try it, and there I was on the Link.

Because of track repairs, we had to get off two stations early and catch a shuttle bus. OK, I did that. The we had to walk a bit farther to the stadium. Yep, did that.
It was tricky dodging people who don't watch where they are going, but I avoided contact and Tom was right there just in case. After 78 minutes of game time, with the Sounders behind 2-0, they came alive and s
cored 3 goals in 12 minutes to win the game in an exciting finish. Then I made it back home, bus to train to car to 11:30 arrival. Now we were hungry so we ate ice cream and read online reports of the game.
It was a Pride recognition match.

Sunday was slow, but I did put in two hours of garden work. I watched the US Mens National Team win a match against Bolivia and some Olympic qualifying Track and Field. 

Now most of the Monday house work is done. The laundry is calling me to get busy before we stop for lunch. 

Home is where the work is, but we'll pace ourselves. 


  1. Stick to the gardening and forget about windshields and wiper blades. that would be surprising to find out about the wiper blades and that it's not covered under warranty.

  2. Your flowers are looking wonderful. You sure had a busy and eventful day.

  3. Your garden is very nice and clean! Ours is a mess with all the rain during two months non stop. Now the sun has arrived and the heat too 31C today. I will be cooking this week and freeze as the children should arrive on Saturday.

  4. You did great, LInda. It's nice to get back to a semblance of normalcy, and congrats to the Sounders who won the game!

  5. It is always good to be home. And your getting to see a live game with winning results!

  6. Good that you went to the game. How about a walker to just make nasty people keep their distance!

  7. Glad you took in the game. Congrats for winning. You have been busy.

  8. The garden is looking beautiful, love the delphinium! How fun to watch the win.

  9. It was nice you back at a Sounders' game! Keeping moving isn't always easy, but always worth it.


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