Thursday, June 20, 2024

Catching Up

I guess I've been busy, and still am, so I'll do a few posts as I have time. Last Saturday, I know, a while ago now, we went to a local open garden and then for a walk at the Des Moines Marina and for a short ways on the Des Moines Creek trail.

Looks like my photos are in reverse order, but, Oh well. Blogger is weird lately.


We have to leave soon for an appointment to get our windshield replaced. Another event in the ongoing car saga.

We just got back last night from an overnight in Oregon. More on that later. 

I hope to catch up with your posts soon.


  1. What a beautiful trail, love the pic by the water.


  2. Whatever order they are in, your pictures are just wonderful. And glad to hear you got that windshield fixed so quickly!

  3. Backwards or not you have great photos.

  4. Great pictures. I especially liked the water ones on this our first 30C day. Just not used to the warmth yet.


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