Friday, June 7, 2024

Time to Rest

 Yesterday, Thursday, we completed the last big job on the spring garden list.

We trimmed and weeded the plants on the driveway wall. I ran the hedge trimmer, clipping off the spent blooms on the perennial candy tuft, and doing some of the weeding. Tom weeded and cleaned up. It took us two and  half hours, and wore us out. After lunch Tom took the blower to the driveway and cleaned up all of the fir tree debris. Now it is looking spiffy, and we have gone on vacation.

After breakfast this Friday morning we left for Whidbey Island. While the traffic and the overloaded ferries slowed us down, we made it in time for a very late lunch.  Now we have been to dinner at a local brew pub and in a bit we'll go for a little sun down stroll. 

It's sunny and warm and we are happy to be carefree for a few days.

The garden is looking good so there won't be much work to do. Poppies are blooming and recent rain has kept everything green and growing so far.

Down the beach road the vacant lot is full of blooming Thrift. The sky is blue and the living is easy.


  1. It looks great! Glad to hear you're taking a vacation, and that everything is under control in your neck of the woods, :-)

  2. I hope you take a break without a care in the world. Your garden and yard are in ship shape. Spring yardwork seems to go on and on.

  3. Enjoy your break at the cottage. The gardens there look lovely with all the poppies. Nothing beats a day by the water.

  4. How lovely! Glad you can take a break, the harvest after your preparations in your gardens and yard.

  5. Oh my gosh! Everything looks so beautiful. I don't know how you manage to take care of two properties like you do. It's hard enough for us with one. We've been tied up after our travel with a huge renovation project at our house. We're renovating mom's bathroom to make it safer for her.

  6. Lovely Poppies! Have a good rest, you both need it after all the yard work!

  7. Those orange flowers are outstanding!

  8. So beautiful, you guys did a great job spiffing up! Enjoy your vacation.


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