Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Happy Halloween!


Yes, I carved a Jack-o-lantern again this year. And, yes, it's another happy pumpkin. We need happy. It's mostly straight lines because it was hard for my old hands to carve it. 

I saved some of the seeds and roasted them.

It was dark and drippy outside on this day before Halloween so I didn't need to wait until dark to appreciate the candle glow. 

The maple trees are putting on their glow outside now, a little later than usual. I took a few photos this morning before the rain started. 

These will intensify to a bright red before they fall. 

The Fern Leaf Full Moon Maple outside our front window is even making the inside glow. 

A view from inside. 

Our Christmas - Thanksgiving - Halloween cacti are starting to bloom.

Views from the dining room.

Halloween Day is supposed to be dry. We will be out planting our tulip bulbs.

We won't have any trick-or-treaters but it's good that any kids who are out won't get rained on. 

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 28, 2024

The 2024 Annual Norquist Family Cider Bee

 Once again we gathered to squeeze apples and catch up with family, some of whom we don't see very often.

The first thing we do when we arrive at nephew Ben and Ericka's house near Winlock, WA, is eat doughnuts and drink coffee. 

Since Tom and I arrived a few minutes later than most, they got to work while I was still enjoying my fritter.

My sister Laurie got busy bottling the cider juice. She and I are the matriarchs now that our parent generation and our older sister have passed, and our two brothers and most of their kids now live on the east coast. 

There were just three generations present this year, no little ones of the 4th generation, and our 3rd generation are all growing up.

These big beautiful apples had to be quartered this year before going into the cider mill. We have two cider presses in the family and both were going steadily as crews switched off. 

Father, son, son, father.  
There was a big crew so there was plenty of time for visiting. 

The apple pulp will go into compost. 

The apple supply is getting low.  
My grandson Isaac introduced his girl Shala to the family. She loves these new experiences. 
My brother Hank's daughter Jordan lives here in Olympia, WA and joined us with her fiance Justin. There will be a wedding next fall. 

There was plenty of cider for everyone to take home. We were done and cleaned up by 1:00 and then it was time to eat. Pulled pork and salads and lots of desserts were on the menu. Ben and Ericka suppled the main course and the rest was pot luck. We ate well and we all had a good time. 

After eating we had our annual Rockaway cabin busines meeting. The state of the union is good. 

Another famiy cider bee is in the books. 

Photos by Tom, Katie, and Linda

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Visit To the Cedar River.

 At the Cedar River in nearby Renton the leaves are falling and the salmon are spawning. The day was mostly sunny. It was time for a little excursion. 

The parking lot trees were brilliant. 
The spawning Sockeye Salmon were turnng red too.

Lots of Sockeye resting before continuing their journey through the weir to lay their eggs in the gravel of the river, or at the hatchery, then end their life, mission accomplished.  
For Tom and me the mission was to go for a walk across the river, under the freeway, and along the river path.

Back at the river, ducks were dabbling. 

After 1.6 miles I was tired enough but it was hard not to linger here.

Back home we had an earlier than usual lunch and then got to work outside. We collected and washed all of the glass flowers. 

Gotta' make hay while the sun shines. Sunshiny days are not guaranteed in October, but when they happen, they are wonderful.