Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Friday at Rockaway

 We have been home since Saturday night, but I am still processing my photos.

Friday was a slow day. We went for another beach walk. There were clouds but the weather was calm and not cold.

We did lots of sitting and reading. Then we went out to dinner, seeking the meal we had been waiting for.

Pirates Cove, down the highway in Garibaldi, has the best razor clams, and this day they were fresh from up the coast at Seaside.  They were yummy. They came with clam chowder for me and oyster stew for Tom. 

As we were finishing dinner overlooking Tillamook Bay, the sun was setting. 

The photos out the window aren't great, but the view was. 

We got a few outside before begining our drive back.

We stopped at the overlook of the Three Graces for another view. 

Then I couldn't quit when I got back to the cabin.

Inside I thought it was done, but as the sun sank lower and lower into the sea the colors got brighter and brighter. 

It was a very good day.
The next day we would be going home, but we had one more excursion in mind first. 


  1. That's so lovely to see the sun setting completely. I have a couple of photos enlarged from Maui, where there's orange and purple from the sun. Your cabin place looks quiet and peaceful. Interesting rocks out there. Linda in Kansas

  2. I feel quite familiar with that beach and those rocks, so I appreciate seeing them here. And that is a beautiful sunset indeed.


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