Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tuesday was actually Wednesday, this is Thursday

 I have a hard enough time keeping track of the days at home, so when I'm on vacation, it's anyone's guess. 

As it turns out, last Tuesday the fog never cleared and it wasn't until Wednesday that we actually saw the ocean. 

On Thursday we went sight seeing down the coast. 

We discovered a newly constructed road that could take us from Bayocean to Cape Meares to Netarts Bay to Cape Kiwanda, where before a major washout had meant lots of backtracking.

Driftwood is all that remains of a once forested town between the ocean and Tillamook Bay.

Cape Meares has wonderful views on both sides of the cape.

And a lighthouse at the end. 

At Netarts Bay we stopped at Jacobson's Salt to get more flaked sea salt and some salted caramels. 
By the time we got to Cape Kiwanda it was past time for lunch, which we ate at the Pelican Brew Pub, with views of the cape sand stone and dunes. 

From there we turned inland back to Hwy 101 and stopped in Cloverdale at a small creamery. Tom bought cheese and we had a fun conversation with the vendor, as we also did at Jacobsen's Salt. We like visiting with people we meet. We always have something to learn and something in common

We were back at the cabin in time to hook up our devices in order to stream the Seahawks game on Thursday night football. I made hamburgers for dinner, my only real cooking on this trip. Tuesday and Wednesday were take out from the Old Oregon Smoke House in Rockaway. 

We took time out to appreciate another another glorious sunset from in front of the cabin. 

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