Sunday, October 6, 2024

Celebrating Twin Birthdays

 Friday, October 4th was Tom and his twin sister Jan's birthday. While we acknowledged Tom's birthday Friday at breakfast, it was on Saturday that the family gathered to celebrate with food and fun.

We met up mid day on the shore of Commencement Bay at the Anthony's at Point Defiance. The sky was dappled blue, the air was mild, and we ate outside with views of the bay and Mt Rainier. 

As is usual when this group gets together, the conversation was interesting, often science based, sometimes funny, and always entertaining. 

We had entrées featuring Northwest seafood and then every dessert on the menu, some featuring wild huckleberries.  

Tom and Jan got candles in theirs.
Then we all got spoons and rotated them around the table, sharing them all.

Then we had to go for a walk.

It was such a beautiful day.

We watched seals.

We walked along the shore, watching people and boats and the ferry, and continuing to talk.
With views of The Mountain always present. 
I still have a warm glow from that lovely day.


  1. What a wonderful, beautiful birthday for Tom! Happy Birthday, Tom! We have a lot of family/friends birthdays to celebrate in October too. It's a happy birthday month.

  2. Happy Birthday Tom and Jan! Looks like a nice day to celebrate, blue skies and good company!

  3. Happy Birthday to Tom and Jan. How lovely that the weather was so pleasant.

  4. Great fun. Happy birthday Tom.


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