Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Visit To the Cedar River.

 At the Cedar River in nearby Renton the leaves are falling and the salmon are spawning. The day was mostly sunny. It was time for a little excursion. 

The parking lot trees were brilliant. 
The spawning Sockeye Salmon were turnng red too.

Lots of Sockeye resting before continuing their journey through the weir to lay their eggs in the gravel of the river, or at the hatchery, then end their life, mission accomplished.  
For Tom and me the mission was to go for a walk across the river, under the freeway, and along the river path.

Back at the river, ducks were dabbling. 

After 1.6 miles I was tired enough but it was hard not to linger here.

Back home we had an earlier than usual lunch and then got to work outside. We collected and washed all of the glass flowers. 

Gotta' make hay while the sun shines. Sunshiny days are not guaranteed in October, but when they happen, they are wonderful. 


  1. What a nice outing! Beautiful colorful trees! You glass flowers look so pretty all shiny and clean.

  2. I have seen the suckers spawn here but it must be awesome to see the salmon fighting their way up stream.


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