Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Day In the Country, Part II

After enjoying the Puyallup Saturday Market, (see previous post) we walked across the city park to one of our favorite stops, The Central Perk, where we perused the newspaper while we sipped our lattes.
Walking back through the park, we stopped to say Hi to Ezra Meeker, an Oregon Trail pioneer and founder of Puyallup.
This is the site of his original cabin, and the structure behind the statue supports the original ivy planted by his wife in 1862.
Then we were off to Sumner, and another favorite stop, and a mecca for gardeners, Windmill Nursery. We love to look at the plant selection, many of which are now in autumn foliage, and appreciate the masterful and entertaining displays. Don't you just love the color of pumpkins?
Returning home, we took the back roads - no freeways today - to enjoy the color of the countryside.
We passed pumpkin patches, some meant for jack-o-lanterns, and some planted as real crops, destined for the cannery. (I know this is blurry, but along these narrow roads there was no place to stop and take a photo)
We did stop briefly along the Green River for a stretch, and to acknowledge Mt. Rainier, somewhat hidden today in the haze.
Back home, we were welcomed by our own maple, now quickly coming into it's glory.


  1. looks like a lovely day. weren't the meekers killed in a massacre by the Indians or is that some other place?

  2. Beautiful pictures! I just like saying the name Puyallup.

  3. do you stand living in such a beautiful place...

  4. Linda, I feel like I've had a nice drive out to the country with you. Beautiful fall shots and so fun!
    I've been meaning to ask you what trail or area was the photo of Mt. Rainier taken from? It's such a spectacular photo. It reminds me of the view from a trail I hiked that I always forget the name of, but it follows Frying Pan Creek or Panhandle Creek, I think.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  5. You could lead guided day tours. I'd sign up! What a grand day!

  6. Linda, you have such a nice life. I'm so happy for you. A sweet large family, and many trips around the area.. I always enjoy your posts.


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