Friday, October 17, 2008

Skywatch - Good Morning, Moon. Why are you still up?

I expected rain this morning, but was instead greeted with this pleasant surprise when I walked out to get the paper this morning.
For more sky picks go here.


  1. woofy, linda!
    say hello to moon too!
    i love moon, sun, and why not?
    i live in heaven.
    and i am a proud . . .


  2. Very nice shot. I love the moon.

  3. Linda: What a neat clearing sky with a full moon shot.

  4. I like this shot, especially knowing that it's a morning one. What a nice thing to greet you.

  5. I live the way morning sneaks in as the days are getting shorter. A few days ago I awoke to the moon shining on the waters of the Strait of Georgia outside my window. A beautiful view. I invite you to come see my sky views from the BC Ferry to Powell River. -- Margy

  6. It really was a nice surprise. Full moon is always something special. Nice shot.

  7. Nice shot, a nice surprise, it was a beautiful moon. I walked the other morning early, and there was a dark cloud South, rimmed with bright light as I walked outside ( it was dark) after my walk, the moon was full and bright and round, and it just was so nice to see , a surprise like this, I get it..

  8. That's a beautiful picture!

  9. What a nice way to start the morning, Linda. We're expecting to have clearing skies overnight tonight, so maybe Mr. Moon can stop by and bid us good morning tomorrow.

    Great SkyWatch image!


  10. lovely sky, looks like you are ready for the end of day light savings time except it will be one hour earlier/darker in the morning at the same time. That's such a waste to switch back and forth with time. It's hard for the body to adjust....lovely photo.

  11. The other morning I got up quite early[430 AM...couldn't sleep] and as I went out to the kitchen, I thought that I had left a light on-it was so bright. I looked out the kitchen window, and it was a great big full moon! Amazing that it can give off so much light.
    Great shot. Mare

  12. Hasn't the moon been something it sure been here in North Idaho.

  13. I'n sure glad you had your camera nearby so you could capture the magic for us. Great shot. Great way to start your day. Great way for me to end mine. Thanks and G-Nite, mate.

  14. Great moonshot. Thanks for sharing!


  15. We love full moon times because the kids can say hello to Luna when they get on the bus in the morning. Each morning we look for her as she travels across the sky getting smaller and smaller until she is a new moon and disappears into the sunrise.

  16. I always love to see the moon rise and set! And your picture of the mountain is fantastic!

  17. The sky & the moon.. what more can u ask? Nice capture! - Daphne

  18. Oh nice shot Linda..My moon shots are always awful...

  19. It was surely worth getting up early to get that nice moon shot, but was it worth gettting the paper? If ours is anything to go by it's all gloom and doom.

  20. The sun is such an attention hog, it's nice to see the moon get some of that daytime attention! :)

  21. Oh, what a lovely catch of the moon! Greetings from Iowa.

  22. I love it when the moon is still up in the morning. Thanks for sharing. Happy SWF


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