Thursday, October 23, 2008

Paying Taxes

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. - Preamble to the Constitution ( emphasis mine) The words of the preamble have been the cause of many debates as to the meaning of "promote the general welfare". Is it the role of the federal government? Federalists say no. Is it the role of state and local governments? Libertarians say no. But it is clear to me that it is our role as the "people of the United States", and that those collective terms in the preamble make it clear that we are to do it together. We are not alone in this. The term "welfare", as applied to giving financial aid to those living in deep poverty, comes from this preamble. Some call it "spreading the wealth". Some call it "socialism". Some call it "unconstitutional". I call it the right thing to do. Ruth Marcus, whose column gave me impetus to write these ideas, quoted a man she met in Virginia. "I make over $250,000 a year, between my wife and I. I don't want to share it with anybody." Does this man drive on roads and highways? Does he use the Internet? Did he get a public school education? Does he expect police and fire protection? When he flies, does he expect to take off and land safely due to air traffic control? Does he expect safe food from the supermarket and restaurants? Does he want homeless families camping in his local park? Does he "support our troops"? I could go on and on. There are so many things that we do for and with each other collectively, through government, that we cannot do on our own. That is the purpose of government. We pay taxes to provide those things named in the preamble. And when we run up a big debt through carelessness and poor judgement, then we should expect to have to raise revenue to pay that debt. That means paying taxes. We have always had a progressive tax code in this country because we have believed that those with more can pay more, and thus secure the general welfare. I am very tried of hearing the voice of the tax haters. For them, no tax is a good tax. But dare to suggest that services they use might be cut, and they cry foul. Suggest we might need more government regulation and they shout "socialism" or even "communism", but then see what they expect when they get in trouble. BAIL OUT! No, we are all in this together. That man got rich because people like me educated his children, others built his highways and communication systems, and we paid him good money for his products or services. In return, he pays his taxes, and should be grateful that he can. Taxes are, as Oliver Wendall Holmes said, the price of a civilized society.


  1. Absolutely in agreement with you. You said it well. Too often people take things for granted. Kinda like a fair weather friend.
    It's a very complex issue that goes beyond focusing on 'me,me,me!
    Oh well, life goes on. TTFN

  2. I agree taxes pay for services but many can figure out how not to pay them, especially the wealthy.

  3. Total agreement here. Great post.

  4. Linda, it absolutely amazes me that people do not seem to get the connection between the taxes they pay and the services they receive (or don't care to). When our subdivision was asked to vote on whether the county should take over and maintain our roads, some did not think this was necessary. "The road is fine in front of my house" was a popular excuse for voting No. Do they fly, I wondered, from the main county road to the road in front of their drive? Don't get me started on how little some people care about the "lazy" and "freeloading" poor who should "pick themselves up by their bootstraps." We need taxes. They keep this country alive. And the latest "redistributing the wealth" charge? I thought we had already redistributed the wealth. The rich have gotten richer and the rest of us poorer.

  5. Golly, I agree with everything you say but I try to be circumspect on my blog. But I'm about ready to let fire with some thoughts. Will get back to you when I'm not so tired and tell you what is going on here in Northern Virgina less than 35 miles from the White House.

  6. I understand taxes living in NY state, but we also have programs that help those in need. Come make more, you pay more...

  7. I have never understood politicians who use the socialized word as if it is a plague upon humanity. Our schools have been socialized for a long time, but they never use the S word to describe that function of our schools.

    Many millions of humans live lives that are hopeless. Is there enough for all? Do we need to be responsible with resources and with population? I think so.

    Taxes can pay for these things for our human family. Leadership is an important factor. Our leaders should set an example of what this kind of life looks like, honorable, respectful, concerned with the public good.

    Ahh I guess I'll be campaigning until the elections for Obama.
    Did you vote already linda? I saw you thought you might one day.

  8. Sherry, I did vote already - this week. The ballots went to the post office Tuesday. I was excited to finally vote for someone with the leadership skills and judgement that we need now in this country - Barack Obama.

  9. Wholehearted agreement Linda. The wealthy also get many benefits via our governments that the poorer don't. Subsidies to name one. - Dave

  10. I really hate the verification, so far I don't need it, and am sneaking by, but you know if you do.
    This post says it ALL, and in a great way! Do people REALLY want to live in a society where they have to protect them selves with guns from the lawless and put out their own fires?? Seems that many do. I've got my fingers crossed about this election, and I opened my wallet, which I was not in the habit of doing. . .
    Joann tipped me off about this post and I am truly grateful. June

  11. Linda: I am with you on your points and will pass this along to some friends. I am over from Jack and Joann's site and have been hear before but didn't read this.


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