Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Drippy Morning

I was up before 7:00 to be greeted by another wet morning. I knew watching soccer was on the schedule, and searched my brain for another indoor kid activity. I came up with The Zoo! So after breakfast I suggested that we might play zoo and I knew how we could do it. We took a laundry basket up stairs and loaded it with all of the stuffed animals we could find. Then I took the kids and the animals to the dining room, moved a few chairs around and told them to decide where the cages were and where to put each of the animals. Then I left to do other things for a short while. When they were ready, we talked about what signs we might need and how we should make them. I got materials and helped them with sign making. Then I suggested we might need a ticket office. Oh, yes, Irene wanted to sell tickets. So we made tickets and money, with Isaac deciding the prices, $5 for youths, $7 for adults. Then of course we needed that ticket office, which fit nicely into a doorway. Irene demanded a ticket counter. Some Styrofoam packing I had in the garage worked nicely and even had shelves where she could keep important stuff. And we were ready. Of course, most of the fun is in setting it up, but they managed to play Zoo off and on all day. The Petting Farm
The Sea Creatures, and yes, that is a Blue Footed Booby!
Meanwhile, Tom discovered yesterday that we had a leak in our yard watering system. He went to plant a new plant in an area near the control boxes and found a hole full of water.
So he spent a lot of time down in the mud, with his head in a hole.
Fortunately the leak was found, once the water drained out, and the fix was made. Now he'll monitor it for a few days before closing everything back up.
It's not like we need to be watering the yard right now.


  1. haha, yeah, because of the rain, you really don't need to water the yard.

    Hey, I like your zoo. Trouble is, you didn't have enough customers.

    Tomorrow, how about a 3 ring circus with trained animals? LOL.

  2. We could really use some of your rain over here! This drought is terrible in Hawaii.

    Your zoo is just the MOST wonderful thing, Linda! It's no wonder those beautiful children love coming to their grandpa and grandma's house. Too too precious!!!

  3. what a creative grandma. How about them making a book of their adventures at the zoo IF it rains again.

  4. It did get nice here in Bellingham yesterday (Wednesday) once the rain passed. Today it looks gloomy again, but they assure me it will get nice in the afternoon! Very creative kid activities, and the zoo seems to have been very much enjoyed.

  5. What a wonderful Zoo. I would love to visit such a lovely one. Gosh, what fun the grandchildren have when they visit you, and I imagine you have just as much if not more fun then they do! How lovely to have grandparents who actually play with the children and help them make a zoo. The memories they are gathering will make a wonderful book, with them as authors of course.

  6. Fantastic and compassionate zoo!
    And are you sure your husband hadn't read my blog about putting my head in the sand??

  7. Will you adopt me? How cool to think of the zoo idea.

  8. Grand kids can be a handful but you have the best ideas. School is out today for my two youngest grands so I will have them here a few days each week until school starts in the fall. gotta keep a step ahead of them. Two boys 10 and 12. MB

  9. I often feel like I'm muddy with my head in a hole
    and I don't have a sprinkler system ;)

    you are the best grandma ever!!

    I'm going to make note of this for when Hope is older

  10. You are so great with kids. I'm no fun at all. What a beautiful garden.

  11. Another example of how creative you are!! Your flowers look beautiful, certainly all of the tender loving care and hard work that you and Tom provide.


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