Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun At Home

Since we have been back from the coast, we have enjoyed some time just to play here at home.
The kids are like me, eat outside whenever you can. We have had dress up picnics and alfresco dinners.
Grampa used Saturday morning cartoons as a chance to get some more shut eye. The playhouse is Irene's favorite. She is definitely the lady of the manor, the Princess of the Realm. Jill's high school friend, April, came for a visit, and her son Jack, who is almost exactly the same age as Isaac, was a fun playmate.
Yesterday the three young ones left to spend an overnight with cousins and then the afternoon with Aunt Jan. They return this evening.
We got some housework done this morning, and another run to the grocery store.
I also had a special commission from Isaac, so I got out the sewing machine. He had a new beach shirt, long sleeved of course, for our Pacific Northwest weather, and he wanted some embellishment. From the embroidery designs I have downloaded, he selected this mallard duck.
Mission accomplished. Now for some down time to rest up. Tomorrow we're off to the zoo.


  1. I'm amazed by all your experiences. No grandchild could have it better.

  2. what great grandparents you are...a playhouse and a made to order tshirt decorator. You are doing it all...

  3. That duck is great! You must be the best grandmother EVER!

  4. I can see you guys are having a great time. I am so envious of your being able to make that embroidered duck. Wow! That is so cool.

  5. Marvelous to see what a great time you are all having together. What fun and thanks for sharing it!

  6. the photo with 'grandpa'. You grandchildren are just beautiful...
    Michelle From Rambling Woods

  7. Hi Linda. Have just scanned your blogs to catch up and really enjoyed them all. Loved your grandchildren. - Dave
    (I haven't done any blogs for some time so don't visit mine!)


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