Occasional updates are coming in from Jake's cell phone in Vancouver. He posts on Facebook, and I download the photos from there. I have to say that I think this technology is all amazing. I love it. I know it works, and I don't care how it does it. When I try to tell my mother about it, she glazes over and just says "I don't understand". Keeping up with technology is hard, but keeping up through technology is beautifully easy!
Back to Vancouver, as seen through Jake's eyes. He has declared Mascot MukMuk his new god for this week. He is a cute little marmot.

Jake has established a shrine, I guess in their rented house, where this tiki apparently lives. He is decked out with MukMuk, the Norwegian hat I recognize as the one we bought in Norway, a Swedish hockey scarf, and of course our own flag.
Jake's maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother were both half Swede, half Norwegian, so we have loyalties.

The Flame from the new viewing platform.

The waterfront near the broadcast center and the flame - blue on blue. Our whole Pacific Northwest region is experiencing wonderful weather, with the bluest skies you've ever seen. Well, at least that's how the song goes.

They are also experiencing lines, but as Jake says, at least they are OLYMPIC lines.

Jake is hanging with his cousin Andy and Andy's wife Jody and their two little boys, Oliver, 6, and Lars, 3. Here Lars is getting into the spirit.

Can you imagine this experience through the eyes of a six-year-old?

Women's hockey on Thursday - the USA vs Finland.

Friday, men's hockey - the Swedes vs Belarus.

Jake's wearing his Swedish soccer jersey, another item we brought back from the motherland, adorned by his newly purchased scarf. And I'm sure that's a beer.

Andy and family watching the action.

And then, as I sat down to blog, these photos came in to my email, via a cell phone on the slopes of Green Acres Elementary School in Fort Morgan, Colorado, where a couple of young sliders are practicing their skills while breaking in the new snow pants I bought them for Christmas.