Monday, February 28, 2011
Make It Stop!
It's the last day of February. Hallelujah!
It's currently 34 degrees and snowing big wet flakes that melt on contact into big wet plops. It's, in a word, nasty. I'm sick of it.
It doesn't look like March will bring much better, although as the lion roars to bring in the month, it will be in the 40's at least.
I've listened to the news, scanned the newspaper, and now it's time to pay the bills. The last day of the month is still pay day, the day when the pension checks are direct deposited. Each pay day I count my blessings that the money is there to support our pleasant lifestyle.
I finished an Elizabeth George Inspector Lynley mystery yesterday, so today I'll have to select a new novel to sustain me while I do my workout on the stationary bike. This afternoon I will attend the monthly session of 'Sew Fun', where we meet at the local sewing store to learn about new products and sewing ideas and share projects we're working on. I usually end up buying something that makes sewing easier.
Speaking of sewing, I'm working on a little purse for Irene that will match her new dress. I'm making it out of scraps, and sort of making it up as I go. It's getting tricky, but I think I've got it figured out. It's a fun little challenge.
I watched the red carpet and the Oscars yesterday. It was mildly entertaining. The ladies mostly looked lovely, and it was all very civil. There were no real shocking moments, which all adds up to not much to talk about the next day.
Checking out the window, I see that it is still snow plopping. Make it stop!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Snow and The Garden show
It was 26 degrees and snowy when we got up this morning, but I didn't have time to go outside and play in it. We were in a hurry to get the car down the hill and parked in the light rail lot before it filled up with commuters. I took these photos from the front porch and through the windows about 7:30. Yes, it's daylight now at 7:30!

I don't take my camera to these shows because I don't want to be weighted down, and I don't want to be one of those people who others always have to wait for while they set up their shot, usually full of people and not plants.
We attended a great seminar and shopped the plant and garden accessories markets, and yes, we came home with a few treasure, plus lots on inspiration for this coming garden season.
We had dinner downtown before heading back in the train. Now it's time to put my feet up.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sewing Project: A New Dress For Princess Irene
It took me a while to get going on this project, but yesterday I devoted the day to finishing it up.
I start with a vision, a basic pattern, and then see what fabrics I have to choose from. I'm never quite sure how it will turn out, but I'm happy with the result.
Granddaughter Irene will be six in April, a week before Easter. I don't know how much longer I have before she will outgrow pretty little dresses, so I have to take the opportunity while I have it.
I'll be sending this on ahead, even though we will be there for her birthday. There might be another dress to wrap up by then.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
In A Word
Why is it that government gives business a tax break, but it panders to unions?
Give me a break.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Volunteer Park Conservatory - Part III
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Volunteer Park Conservatory Part II
In a glass house, it can be any season you want it to be.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Volunteer Park Conservatory
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