Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Pick of Pretty Peppers

 Last spring when we were visiting a produce market/garden center, we saw pots of Poblano pepper plants. We don't have luck growing peppers in our garden because we don't have enough sustained heat and sun for the growing season they need. But we thought it would be fun to try one in a pot and leave it in the greenhouse,

When we got the plant it had three tiny peppers set and a few more blooms. In time those produced peppers. The little plant grew and bloomed and produced all summer, and this weekend Tom harvested the final crop.

Poblano peppers are not too hot and they have a wonderful flavor. I use them in my version of shrimp and grits.

To preserve them, I halve and seed them and roast them. 

Then I dice them  and store them in the freezer.

With the peppers I harvested through the summer, I have quite a few. I think I'll have to find another way to use them. 


  1. They're good on pizza, or in salsa, or pretty much any Tex-Mex kind of dish. Lucky you! These are great peppers, not too spicy and still with a pepper taste. I bet your shrimp and grits is delicious.

  2. I like poblanos, too. My favorite way is an egg scramble. You could add a torn up corn tortilla slightly cooked as well.

  3. Well, that was a good surprise. Now you know that you can grow peppers.

  4. Your little pepper plant did very well indeed. Every year my middle son buys various kinds of pepper plants and babies them all summer.He doesn't get much for his efforts. They don't really do well here either.

  5. I’ve never tried them, but they sound very interesting. I’d say you and Tom have green thumbs, but it’s more than that. You both know what you’re doing and put in so much work to produce that amazing garden.

  6. I wouldn't mind eating a lot of shrimp and grits although I have to be careful with seafood. Poblano is about as hot as I would go because I am a woos.

  7. That is quite a haul of peppers! And they are so pretty, you are right about that. I like your presentation of how you prepared them, too.

  8. Congrats on the pepper success. Quite a haul and you are ready to experiment.

  9. They look great! Tom's project was a success! I make a baked chicken with peppers and enchilada sauce served over rice that is quite good:)

  10. Looks good...all we grew were cherry tomatoes but then that's all we planted...


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