Saturday, October 24, 2020

Seeking Autumn Color

 On Thursday we thought it would be raining and we decided to use that afternoon to run an errand way across town. We were picking up a new locking mailbox directly from the supplier, which was in Redmond, right at the entrance to Marymoor Park. 

Well, the rain stopped early, and once we had the mailbox transaction done, we dicided to take a short walk in the park. Our maple trees are slow to color up this year and I needed some autumn foliage color. We found some.

Canada geese love the green lawns of our parks, and as long as you can dodge the poop on the pathways, they are fun to see.
I asked them politely to move and they did, unhurriedly.

The Sammamish River borders the park and it's stillness reflected the foliage beautifully. 
We only walked about 3/4 of a mile, but it was lovely, and after some hard work in the yard this week, it was enough. 


  1. The vivid green of the grass really sets off the other colors.

  2. These are such gorgeous fall colors, Linda. Thank you for sharing them. I DO remember how huge those Canadian geese poop were.

  3. I'm glad you had an opportunity to walk and soak in some color to share with us. Our color is down to a few isolated trees now and the temperature today is only in the 40's -- sure sign of things to come.

  4. What a pretty park! I'm looking out at snow and mostly leaf-less trees wishing fall had lasted a little longer.

    Take care and stay well.

  5. well we finally have some yellow leaves on our trees so guess fall is here. I miss going to the mountains to see the autumn colors...

  6. What beautiful colors, you are so ahead of us. Had to smile about the goose poop. Not much stinks worse if it gets on your shoes.

  7. Lovely fall colors! We are just starting on some trees, while others have already lost all their leaves! :-)

  8. Beautiful pictures of autumn foliage.

  9. It looks like a pleasant outing, colorful too.

  10. The fourth and fifth pictures are gorgeous and calendar-worthy. If you had the wind we had overnight then most of those colourful leaves have blown away. Sadly.


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