Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's An Honor and a Privilege....... have voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

Of course there were other things on the ballot too. I had my voters guides in advance and had studied up, marking all of my choices in the guides.

Our ballots finally arrived in the mail late Saturday afternoon. We set a date to vote together Sunday morning.

Tom hadn't studied up as much as I so I gave him a brief synopsis of my choices. He agreed. 
We marked all of our choices for candidates and judges and tax measures and the procedural measures and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! 

We carefully followed all of the instructions, although we automatically know what to do by now. We have been voting by mail for a long time. 

And then we drove to the local public library to the official ballot drop box.

Our votes are on their way. 

It will be a long two weeks, and then probably more beyond that until we know the outcomes. 

But we can wait. We can be patient. We have completed our sacred duty of voting. 



  1. Yay! Congratulations! We turned ours in the day after the ballots arrived and made extra careful we did it correctly. We then looked online a couple days later to make sure they received them and would be counted. Thank goodness that like Washington state, Hawaii has done this before. Granted, it's the first time that everyone was doing it by mail.

  2. Good for you. I hope your side wins.

  3. Me too, first time absentee. Was really surprised at the 13 candidates for president on the Arkansas ballot. Who are these people? Biden's name was about in the middle of the pack. I took mine to the clerks office myself and hand delivered to be sure. This will be a long 2 weeks for sure.

  4. I also have delivered my ballot to the town clerk's office. I cannot help reflecting on how easy it has always been for me to vote. I have considered it a duty rather than a privilege, but I realize it is a privilege that was denied to my grandmother and is still denied too far too many still.

  5. We picked up our ballots at the post office, where we had been waiting impatiently for them. Once we got them home, we sat down with the Progressive Voters Guide on my laptop and made sure we had done everything possible to keep from having our votes discounted. It was such a great feeling to have done our sacred duty! :-)

  6. good example, my ballot is filled out and ready to deposit...

  7. Dropped off our absentee ballots at the appropriate place for our county this week. Glad to have that over and done. Now... we just have to wait... and maybe pray.

  8. Good for you. We have already voted too. We did the early voting. No paperwork involved. A beautiful day and not many in line. It was in an open garage across from the court house. Worked well for us.

  9. Thank you for doing your part. Together we'll end this nightmare and restore sanity and decency to the government.


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