Monday, January 22, 2024

Pacific Northwest Winter


After that few days of deep freeze, we have gradually returned to our typical coastal Pacific Northwest winter.

It's mild, 45 - 50 degrees F, cloudy, with a steady light rain. It's the Big Gray, but we'll take it over what much of the country experiences. 

Before the steady rain started, I got out on Friday and Saturday for some short trial runs with my trekking poles, about a mile each day. I have a long ways to go, but I'll keep at it, once the rain gives us a break. 

The deep freeze didn't do much damage to our plants, and they are all perking back up.

On Saturday we attended a memorial service for our teacher friend Colleen. It's sad to lose old friends and she was always so much fun, but at the end she was very ill and her passing became a blessing. 

With no sports teams of our own in any playoffs, I have chosen to follow some of the classic old football teams, and I watched several playoff games this weekend. I was unhappy that the Buffalo Bills  and the Green Bay Packers lost, but very happy that the Detroit Lions are still in it, as well as the Baltimore Ravens. 

Today we finished all of the Monday house work and laundry. I got a pot roast started in the oven, and now we are both taking it easy for a while. I want to read my book, but I keep falling asleep when I read in the afternoon. 

I guess I'll stay here at the computer and see if I can figure out why the spell check stopped working. With my clumsy typing, I need it!


  1. This winter has been different in most places. We are looking at high of plus 6 C in the next few days. we don't need that.

  2. Florida has been rainy and chill this past week. Good for snuggling up with a good book. I never fall asleep when reading although I have heard people claim they can only read at bedtime so they will fall asleep. Looks as though the sun will be out today though so we will get out for a good long walk.

  3. My sympathies on the passing of your friend Colleen.

    The greenery is so lovely to see. Thanks for sharing the photos - they brighten up my gray day.

  4. For my daughter and family in Seattle, I am glad your weather is normal (even though still too cold for me.). My Honolulu son-in-law who used to live in Seattle is a Washington football fanatic. He even went to Houston to watch the UW game in person, staying in a dinky hotel and a loss.

  5. I think I will root for the Lions, not that I really care, but it does make the game more interesting if you have a favorite. We are having warm rain that is melting the snow quickly.

  6. Good for you getting out there and becoming comfortable with your new trekking poles.

  7. Spellcheck on my PC is free, so perhaps it is just glitch or using the wrong browser. Lovely weather you are now having. I was surprised that the parsley in my pot on the deck survived this last cold spell. But that is all that is alive.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss, Linda. Mom has told me many times how she's outlived all her good friends and sisters here in the islands. And now here I am and I've lost one good friend last year and now another one is struck with cancer again. It's scary and so very sad. I really admire how you do all you can to stay active and try to improve your health in every way.

  9. WE only follow College Hockey, so I don't know much about other teams. Good to hear you are getting out with the trekking poles!


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