Monday, April 22, 2024

The Wind Blows, The Grass Grows

 We were supposed to have rain. We didn't. So far this month of April we have had a total of .20 of an inch of rain. Drought this summer is a real possibility. 

After a warm and lovely Saturday morning, the clouds moved in and we had a surprise wind storm. There were even some power outages. We just have more clean up to do as our big fir trees rain down debris. 

We'll enjoy the beauty of spring while we can. Tom will keep the grass mowed while there is still moisture to keep it green. We'll have to water eventually, but sparingly, no doubt.

Blooming continues. Now the Rhododendron King George has burst into bloom with it's huge flower clusters.

It's a beautiful sunshiny day but the wind is still cold. We spent most of the day inside doing housework and laundry, regular Monday chores.

Yesterday I finished my latest quilt square and then put all of my sewing stuff away. The guest bed is no longer a fabric layout and cutting area and the desk top is no longer a sewing station. 

I'll get it back out in the fall. Now I have gardening to do and the outside to enjoy. 


  1. I love white and yellow and that daisy quilt square is so pretty. Sunshine here today, though we had the heat on today and yesterday. Happy Earth Day! Cheers, Ivy.

  2. It seems that we are not getting a regular weather pattern but you have enough for some awesome flowers.

  3. I have to constantly water my lawn and garden. You have such a wonderful sense of color and your fabric stash is to be envied!

  4. The rhododendrons are starting to bloom. We have a lot of wind storms here which is unusual. Now after some summer time weather we are having frost during the night and cold wind during the day! Today, sun, cold and wind it is difficult to stay outside in the garden, but we have enough rain which is good for the summer. I rather like cold than too hot and suffocating.

  5. I forgot, your patchwork is very nice!

  6. I do hope you get some rain soon. B.C. reported 7 man-made fires this past weekend, it seems fire season is starting earlier and earlier. Not due to weather, but human stupidity.
    Enjoy your day!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The fire season is looming here too and it's worrisome.

  8. Beautiful pink rhododrendron. So...sewing gets put away and gardening takes your energy now. Good choice.

  9. The Rhododendron is a beauty. Nice quilt square too!

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  11. Your quilt square and your flowers are gorgeous, Linda.

  12. Beautiful rhodies! Love the quilt square. I'm always in awe of quilters and their talents. Yours are lovely!


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