Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tulip Fest at Roozengaarde Part 3

I'll start off today with some of Tom's close ups. Looks like they include me. :-)

Tom likes hairy ones. 

Daffodil and tulip fields in the background, and Mount Baker. 

In the tulip fields.

Mount Baker

That's all folks. Hope you enjoyed the tour. 



  1. Such beauty! I loved the Yellow stars and I could see quite a few divergents in the field! The undulating rows of purple, pink, mauve and light pink are just stunning! Good close ups Tom!

  2. Such beautiful flowers and colours ! And nice picture of both of you!

  3. Absolutely spectacular! When I see pictures of this year's event I immediately go back to our visit 7 years ago now, before I was paralyzed.

  4. Absolutely stunning photos! The variety of tulips is amazing. It truly rivals Keukenhof in Amsterdam.

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