Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pretty Old Cinderella

Princess Irene
The other morning - I don't remember which one, it's all a blur-when we were still in bed, Isaac, 5, and Irene, 3, came into our room and crawled into bed with us to "wake us up". Irene is quickly claiming her "inner Princess", with the help of Disney, and loves pretty dresses. She had to check out my night shirt, and then when I got out of bed and put on my long, old wrap robe she exclaimed "Oooo, pretty old Cinderella".
I chucked softly, since she wouldn't get the joke, but Tom and I had a good laugh after the kids had cleared out to watch cartoons. We decided it was all in where you put the emphasis.
We will be departing tomorrow morning for the Oregon coast, and my computer doesn't travel, so until we meet again, keep on feeding your inner princess, whether it's pretty, pretty old, or just plain old.


  1. "Pretty, old cinderella" or "pretty old cinderella" does sound different. I prefer not to be a cinderella, too many bad experiences with "living happily ever after."

  2. ha ha ha haha. That's great!!

    I prefer to think she was commenting about your well worn, well used, robe when she said, "Pretty old, Cinderella."

    Reminds me of the sentence my fourth or fifth grade teacher used to point out the importance of punctuation. "The principal says the teacher is a fool." The principal, says the teacher, is a fool."

    She's a mighty pretty princess in her brightly colored frock and cute, printed tights.

    We'll be thinking about you. Have a good time. We'll be waiting for your report on the good times.

  3. How beautiful your grandchildren are. I used to love to run and get into bed with my grandparents at the cabin. And I am sure that I said some funny things too. CUTE!!!!

  4. Such a blessing to have those new perspectives... "out of the mouths of babes" etc.
    What a great story to share. Thanks,

  5. What a cutie your little princess is! You're a wonderful Cinderella to me.

  6. Oh, the innocence of children. What fun!


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