Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time To Pick The Flowers

It's always good to be back home, even after a lovely, long weekend on Whidbey. I'll be posting some of our good times as I get photos sorted and ideas arranged in my head. We did watch some of the Olympics, as well as the closing ceremonies. I don't like to miss things, so sometimes the tug and pull of watching and listening versus getting out and doing causes me consternation. The same is now true for the Democratic convention. As you may know, I am very tuned in to politics, and I'm quite concerned about the outcome of our next election. But I really need to limit myself and not have the TV and radio on all day. There is so much more to enjoy as summer winds down, time to spend outdoors soaking up the now reluctant sun, tending the garden, going for walks, just being. Clouds are moving in already, preparing for tomorrow's rain. But I got some time in the sun, and time to pick the flowers that will bring the sunshine indoors tomorrow.


  1. Welcome back Linda! I love hearing about Whidbey, it is a favorite place of mine, I always saw myself living there but haven't made it yet, I see myself too many places. lol
    The window broke out of your classroom in 93, wow, amazing what happens, huh? Storm stories are interesting, I find.

    Elections, well it looks like we might be in for a close one, not sure but I suspect. I won't watch too closely, I'm not a big fan of TV, but the internet news will inform me, and newspapers at the newsstand, and I suspect I'll learn more than I might want to know when the mud slinging begins.

    Lets hope for the best!

    PS. I borrowed your comments statement, hope you don't mind,

  2. i feel the same, trying to just hit the highlights of the dnc so I know what is going on. same for the olympics although we watched lots-more than any other olympics-even the one that was here in utah. didn't go because of the terrorists threats. wish we had. gorgeous flowers-wished i lived closer.


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