Monday, July 23, 2012


No, not me hedging my bets, but the real plant sort of hedging. I just felt like having a vague title.

July is hedge pruning time.  It's a job Tom and I both hate, but we like the final results, and it is heartening to know that we can both still handle the work - barely.

When we moved into our newly constructed house with no landscaping 34 years ago, we had more time than money.  We spent a year just clearing our half acre of bramble and ivy and broken down willow.  Then we watched to see what would emerge naturally.  The birds supplied us with lots of holly seedlings, some of which we left in place and the others Tom dug and planted along the fence row along the side of our property. 

All these years later we have free standing holly "topiary"  and a thick holly hedge that keeps out dogs and stray kids.

On Sunday we got started on the pillars.

 Today we tackled the holly hedge and began on the fir hedge along the front of the property.  The ladder awaits more work tomorrow and Wednesday.
 A pillar and the hedge by the deck.
 Another pillar that awaits trimming.
 The beginning of the holly hedge in the upper part of the yard.
 Along the secret garden, a cedar pillar and holly.

 The holly hedge is looking good now that we have all of the trimmings picked up.
 The secret garden was buried in holly trimmings until I got it cleaned up.  That's my job, along with ladder holding where the tall ladder and uneven ground are involved.

Tomorrow I get a reprieve, as I have a haircut appointment at 10:00 AM and we have a lunch date with teacher friends at noon.  We are hoping to get a few hours work in in the afternoon, and Tom will work at it in the morning.  We're hoping to be done with all but the back side of the holly hedge on Wednesday.  That last part will wait until next week.  We will need a day to work in the rest of the yard and then rest up before getting ready for overnight guests.

On Saturday afternoon Isaac and Irene helped me pick crops.

 And, as promised, we got out Irene's rainbow umbrella, and that is where they shelled and ate the peas they picked.  Why cook them when they are so good right out of the pods!


  1. I have never eaten raw peas. I didn't know you could. Lol.

  2. Your yard is so impressive--35 years of development. I always loved the fact that the kids would gobble up peas out in the garden--cooked on their plates, not at all.

  3. I'm impressed to hear that you made your whole landscape-it is gorgeous!

  4. It is a beautiful place you've got, Linda. I hope you and Tom can continue to do this chore yourselves for a bit longer, it makes for some interesting blogging! That garden stuff looks great. I love raw peas out of the pod, too. When they're young, even the pod is tasty!

  5. Your hard work and dedication have produced a beautiful display of nature. Wow!

  6. That looks like a lot of work! I love the photo of the children under the umbrella!

  7. Absolutely incredible. I KNOW how much work goes into making a garden look as spectacular as yours. I am in awe. It looks amazing. OK...I'm running out of adjectives here.


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