Sunday, December 2, 2012

Busy Days, But Still Mostly Good

Time slips away this time of the year, and I realize I haven't posted in a while.  

That good weather didn't last, but by the time the rains began we had the outside stuff done anyway.  Since then we have finished the decorating inside, baked more cookies, and gone on several shopping excursions.  

Thursday we drove downtown, shopped at some stores near the stadium, and then spent several hours in and around the Farmer's Market.  I love spending time in our beautiful city.

On Friday morning we had our usual breakfast with friends.  In the afternoon we picked up the grand kids for early release Friday.  That was about the time the big storm hit.  We were supposed to go to Clam Lights and the Christmas ship parade.  The photo on my header was taken there last year.  But since we were getting rained out, we decided to put up the tree while the kids were there. 
 Irene decided it might be a bit tricky for her to reach the top and place the angel, so she held the step stool for grandpa instead, just to be safe.

Isaac kept his nose buried in Tom's Samsung tablet, but Irene and I enjoyed unwrapping the fragile treasures that would go on the tree. It's a lot of work getting everything on.  Irene suggested we leave some of it off, but Grandpa wasn't having any of that.  After all, each ornament has a story and evokes a memory.
When Jill and Corey got off work we all went out for dinner.  We had fun in spite of the storm.

On Saturday Tom and I slowed down a bit.  We went to the local high school bazaar in the morning.  In the afternoon we went to a funeral.  Yes.  Shocking reality.  Not all is fun and games.  The memorial service was for a woman I had worked with, and whose kids had gone to school with our kids.  She didn't quite make it to her 65th birthday, three years younger than I.  Cancer, of course, and lung cancer at that, but not from smoking or living in a smokey environment.  Why?  Only God knows, I guess.  But it makes one stop to consider how well we are using the time we have.  What will my legacy be?  Her's was amazing.

Today, Sunday, we went to an arts and crafts show at Gig Harbor High School, where Tom's sister Jan used to be the principal.  We shopped and had lunch with Jan.  Then we stopped at an antique mall on the way home.  

Since then I have written the 2012 Christmas letter.  Tomorrow I'll pick up the photo cards and get the letter copied at Costco.  Then we can work on getting them ready to mail out.  

We have an outing scheduled for Wednesday, our annual Christmas shop field trip.  And then I have to get started on my sewing.  Irene and her American Girl doll Julie expect a new outfit.  Time's a'flyin'.


  1. My goodness. Where do you get all your energy?

  2. Love your header photo.

    CA Adams

  3. You've been busy! Love your tree. This year, we bought a scrawny, pitiful fake tree because the space for it is small. Well, better than no tree!

  4. healthy and happy-couldn't be a better way to start the holiday season...

  5. Such a beautiful tree. Tis the season to stay busy for sure.

  6. Aw, you have put me in the Christmas spirit.

  7. That tree is simply beautiful. And laden down with memories. I also noticed that the Seahawks won their away game, thought of you immediately :-)

  8. It does take awhile to put on all the ornaments, doesn't it? And, you are right, each one brings back memories of somebody or some time in our lives.

    Sorry about your friend.

    Kathy M.

  9. As always, I enjoy reading the Reeder family news.

  10. Making more memories for your adorable grandchildren - what better legacy than that? You definitely have the Christmas spirit in your house.

  11. Your header photo is gorgeous!! You two keep so busy doing such fun stuff.

  12. What a coincidence! My post tomorrow is about putting up the tree too. Your tree is really tall. Looks like it's touching the ceiling. It's really gorgeous. I do love how each ornament is a memory.

  13. Love the header! Your tree is so beautiful--such fun to decorate with a granddaughter. Your energy is non-stop. Ha!


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