Many of you have commented about having Forsythia blooming already. It isn't. Forsythia blooms here in March, along with the daffodils.
This pretty little blooming shrub is Corylopsis, common name Winter Hazel, not to be mistaken for witch hazel. I should have identified it when I posted, but I didn't remember how to spell the name of it and I didn't take the time to look it up. Today, however, I am taking time for everything. I have had to discontinue all aspirin or other NSAIDS, and as a result, I hurt. All the walking and stationary biking and core strengthening I have been doing have left me stiff and sore now that the anti-inflammatory drugs have been discontinued. With two days left before surgery, I am now practicing to slow down. For me that's not so easy.
A rolling stone gathers no moss. We just keep in rolling. Sunday morning found us out in the neighborhood joining the throngs of the 12th Man in sending off the Seahawks to New Jersey/New York for the Super Bowl. As the buses came off the freeway and covered the mile long access to the airport, cheering fans lined the street by the thousands to cheer them on. We were there.
Here they come! We just surged out into the street, stopping all other traffic.
It was like this all the way into the airport. Go Hawks! Back at home, I hung my glass 12th Man in my kitchen window.
The rest of Sunday I made turkey soup, went for my exercise walk and did my exercise routine. Tom stuffed yard waste bins with purnings he had worked on during the week. They're ready for pick up Monday morning.
He also took the van into town and picked up the china hutch we bought. We will deliver it to Jill tomorrow evening. Today I spent much of the day at or around the Capitol Hill Group Health Medical Center. My echo cardiogram was scheduled for 11:00, check in at 10:45. It was 11:25 before I was called. Laying on my side in one position for 40 minutes was uncomfortable, but not terrible. Then I went to the cafeteria for a bit of lunch and a latte. I was due back for a follow up with the cardiologist at 1:30. With over a half hour to kill, I naturally went for a walk! I had brought some extra layers because the persistent fog was not allowing much warmth from the sun.
I got in a great aerobic walk around Capitol Hill, stopping to take photos of wonderful old houses and whatever I found blooming.
An urban pea patch on a corner lot. ↓
I don't think I could live on this street ↓ :-)
Seed pods of fetid iris. ↓
Daffodils are emerging.
Witch hazel ↓
Sarcococca and Helebore ↓
Back at the medical center I got the OK news that my aortic valve stenosis is progressing very slowly. I can put off a valve job for quite a while yet.
The fog never lifted, and now the sun is sinking into the horizon unmarked by color as the light slowly fades. I've done a few of my exercises, enough for today, had a long phone conversation with my sister, reported in with my husband, and posted this blog with my cell phone photos. There's more turkey soup for dinner so that will be easy. It will be time for some relaxing. But not long enough for moss to gather.
Once the fog cleared we had a beautiful Saturday morning for our first meeting of the year of the Joyful Gardeners Garden Club. We do love our field trips! We met up at Bedrock Industries, a recycled glass products retail store under the approach to the Magnolia Bridge in the Interlake area of Seattle.
We got a little introduction from the busy proprietor about what kinds of glass they use and how they make their products, and then we were free to explore and shop!
They make glass tiles in wonderful colors.
And they sell seconds and cast offs from other glass makers.
Their fused glass pieces are colorful and fun.
This bin of tumbled glass scrap below was like the best ever beach glass. Those pieces on the rim are what I picked out. I think I have a project in mind.
Yep. I bought a 12th Man. Go Hawks!
Our second stop was a revisit to ReStore in Ballard.
Tom and I didn't find any garden art or materials, but we did find this china hutch for $75.00! We sent a photo to Jill, she liked it, and we bought it. We'll go back tomorrow to haul it home in the van.
This might be a place where we can look for a piece of wrought iron railing for Jill's front steps.
The store cats loved the sunshine coming through the windows.
Some of us went to lunch together in Ballard before going our separate ways. Then we had to get across town to drop something off at Jake's place. The traffic was awful and it took an hour, so after we left Jake's we went to the shore of Lake Washington for a bit of a stroll to walk off the traffic frustration.
Stan Sayers Pits look a whole lot different when not full of hydroplanes on race day in the summer.
There was quite a raft of old coots on the lake.
The Mountain was out.
So were the lawn daisies!
Feeling refreshed we headed home to get ready for the evening birthday party for sister-in-law Jan's partner Ann. And good time was had by all.