Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My Friend Charlie.

Charlie is a borrowed cat. 
 Charlie showed up in the yard while we were out working in the early spring. He/she was immediately friendly, jumping up on my leg like a dog, wanted to be petted and get a head rub. 

I didn't know whether the cat was a girl or a boy, so I called him Charlie, which could be for either. Having done a little more investigating, I think Charlie is a boy. 

Charlie likes to join us as we work in the yard, or sit on the patio. He gets drinks out of various bird baths.
 We don't know where Charlie lives or who owns him. He is very fluffy but skinny under all that fluff. I thought he might be homeless, but then he showed up with a new collar. I'm glad he isn't homeless, because I only want a borrowed cat. 
 Charlie makes himself at home on the patio. He would be happy to make himself at home in the house too, and he did sneak in once and sniff around, but he gets to stay outside.
 He is not really my cat. He is a borrowed cat.
But Charlie is my friend. 


  1. The best kind of cat, no vet bills, no problem when you travel. Now I suggest you visit this subject next fall when Charlie hasn’t been home in weeks to check on his folks, when it turns cold and rainy. How good a friend will you be to Charlie when he asks to go inside with you where it is warm and dry?

  2. Charlie is very cute. I can't own them, because I'm extremely allergic to them...but cats being cats, I think they perversely know that, and LOVE me. Can't stay away from me. :)

  3. I would be curious who his owner is? Perhaps a not attached to his collar? For a long haired cat he looks well groomed, I bet his owner works during the day and he has adopted you!:)

  4. So, cats have a mind of their own.

  5. Awww! What a sweet cat-friend you've made. I'm not much of a cat person myself. My son and family who live in the other half of the house have 2 cats which I'll feed etc.. if they're not home but that's about all. They are not allowed in "my" part of the house though.

  6. It's good to have friends and borrowed cats are the best kind . . . kind of like grandchildren. Enjoy them like crazy when they are around and just as happily send them back to mom.

  7. how funny...a visiting cat is easier to take care of...lol!

  8. Sweet. Your friend is very handsome. We once had a borrowed cat that liked to garden with me but now the feline garden visitors are a bit skittish and run away from me.

  9. Cats always look handsome lounging around the garden.

  10. Hi there, Charlie. Thanks for introducing me to your fluffy friend, Linda. :-)

  11. Borrowed cats are like grandchildren. All the pleasure and none of the daily care.

  12. Charlie is very handsome. He reminds me of a cat I loved very much, a stray who showed up in our backyard in Massachusetts that we adopted. He went on to live with us for many years, sleeping in our bed every night. Ours was definitely a stray, skin and bones and starving to death, and very skittish. It took me months to convince him to finally come inside our house, but once he did he made himself at home and loved us back.

  13. So sweet! We had a cat visit us but he was homeless and ended up living with us. Oh well!

  14. I would like a borrowed pet like that. Except I am very allergic to cats, so it would have to be a dog.


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