Wednesday, March 13, 2019

It's Beginning to Look More Like Spring

It's time to get that snowy scene off of my blog and replace it with something more spring like. We had sunshine and a high of 53 degrees today, with a promise of warmer days to come. 

There are a few things blooming now that everything is recovering from being smashed by snow. 

The first little Tete-a-tete daffodils are beginning to bloom. The primroses are recovering. 

 The hardy cyclamen are looking cute and perky.
 The snowdrops stood back up to finish their flowering. 

 Most of the helebores survived being bent.
 This large white one was flat most days after the snow cleared, but with the warmth is sort of standing up. 

There are a few crocus here and there.

My mother's camellia is starting to bloom.

This white one will be blooming soon.
Tom has been spending time in his greenhouse, where he is over-wintering tender plants, growing on his geranium cuttings, and starting his tomato seeds. 

But since it was mild and dry today, I decided to spend the late morning and all afternoon working in the yard. It was time to prune the roses. 
This bed is a bit of a mess, and is overrun with ranunculus. They are pretty when they bloom in spring, but spread like weeds. 

I got busy pruning the roses, and then cleaning out under the roses and eliminating some of the ranunculus, so we would be ready to put down rose food. Tom came and helped dig the Lambs Ear border, add compost, and reset the divisions. 
 Almost done.
 All done, cleaned up, and put away. The bed is now shaded by the huge house under construction next door, but we got to work in the sun.
Tomorrow we'll start on another bed. Spring is coming. 


  1. As you say spring comes very quickly and your plants know it. Some of the hardy plants can take some severe weather.

  2. I'm amazed how quickly everything pops up when the weather cooperates. We still have quite a bit of ice/snow in the shady back yard. Hopefully soon that will melt.
    Don't overdo the gardening lest you suffer the effects.

  3. Wow spring has come to your garden. Lucky you getting out to work in the garden. I did get out but not to do as you did. I just raked up limbs and leaves that have blown into the garden. It is too wet to dig here.

  4. I guess it is time to get our hands dirty. We don't have all your color but am encouraged by the greening of the lawns. Guess I'd better see if my lawnmower is ready to go.

  5. I am always impressed with how much you are able to accomplish in your beautiful yard. The rose bed looks so lovely now. I look forward to seeing beautiful blooms in the not too distant future. :-)

  6. After that cold February, spring's arrival along with warmer temperatures is certainly welcome! Sorry about that huge house.

  7. The work the two of you do is so wonderful. It is so nice to see the greenery and the lovely flowers. Thanks for sharing!

  8. glad you are back, thought you got taken out with all the snow. Spring is coming here also with fruit trees blooming. etc. It's seems like a long wait for spring but it eventually does come...

  9. I will begin work on my beds next week.. I just have no energy for it, even though the weather is warming. I dohave tons of weeds and they will son go to seed!

  10. I always love your signs of spring!

  11. pretty signs of spring at your place!


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