Thursday, March 21, 2019

Check That Job Off the List

This was Tuesday  morning.
Four yards of compost were delivered. Tom did put his coffee down, and we both got to work.

This was noon on Thursday.  By now he was pacing himself, one load of compost, one sip of coffee.
 Yep, that pile is gone. The last of it went into this spare trash can for future use. We didn't know where to put it in the yard, having mulched everything we planned to do. 
 We got everything picked up, cleaned up and put away before lunch. Then I spent a few minutes sitting here on this bench in the sun before washing up.
The weather is changing, and by Friday evening we will probably have rain, but the warmth this week has brought out the forsythia and the first flowering plum and wild cherry trees. Spring is here.


  1. Please tell Tom I am so impressed with how fast he got that mulch dealt with ( I'm assuming he did it alone but maybe not. Maybe you were right in there too!!)

    1. Oh, I was right there too. Because I have to protect my back, he did most of the hauling and I did the spreading, mostly on my hands and knees. It was a joint effort, as most of our gardening is.

  2. So that's the secret to getting the yard work done -- copious amounts of coffee!

  3. Congratulations on getting that job done. I like the picture of the compost pile getting smaller and smaller. :-)

  4. I think you're sending a little rain our way for the week end. I wish I had as much gardening done as you have.

  5. Boy does it all look so nice and what a nice boost for the plants. Well done.

  6. Don't you just love sitting back and viewing the results of a day working on a project? It's been so wonderful to have these splendid days for getting our gardening season underway. Your yard is beautiful!

  7. such a beautiful yard...
    have a great day

  8. Looks SO good! My Seattle daughter just arrived in Honolulu for my youngest's wedding and keeps telling me that I should come up and see her place in the spring and summer. I don't need to because I see it through your lens, and it is marvelous.

  9. Good gracious! That was a TON of work! You guys are just so amazing.

  10. Well you are a few steps ahead of us. Good job guys. You wore me out.
    We spent the day at my daughter's cleaning up the fenceline between the goat pasture and the neighbors. All his trees are hanging over the fence and nothing cared for for awhile


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