Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Work and Rest

 I had lunch with my sister Laurie and my cousin Kris today. It was a rest day. We had interesting  conversation and good family time together, in person.

When the weather cooled off over the last four days it was time to tear into the neglected yard. The summer slump was upon us and with everything going to seed, we thought it was better to have it looked a bit groomed instead of bedraggled.

I cleaned up all of the lawn edges. Tom Mowed. He was also working on prepping and painting the shed/greenhouse. We both snipped and clipped and dragged bins full to the compost bins. 

This lower garden bed is glorious in May and June, full of Nepeta and Lady's Mantle and poppies and columbine, delphiniums and clematis, and even a rose. But that's pretty much all done now.


Now the edges are trimmed. Flowers all over the yard are deadheaded.

After: And a lot of cleaning out has been done.

We've traded June freshness, as shown in my header, for August tired but trimmed. 

I'm tired too, but after this day of rest, we are headed up to Whidbey this evening for a night at the cabin so we can get an early start on cleaning up the cabin garden. The weather is heating up again and we will have to work in the cool of the morning. Hopefully a couple of hours will be enough to do the job.

There are other family members and guests staying at the cabin so we won't linger long. We'll be back home before the 90 to 100 degree days hit us. Staying inside with air conditioning will give us more deserved rest time. 

We're tired of hot weather too. 


  1. It certainly is the Dog Days of Summer, isn't it. Very tired of the hot days but the saving grace is that days are shorter and cooling nights are longer. Remember those cold days last winter? Yeah, me neither.

  2. It looks wonderful and I'm glad you are able to finally get so much done. I'd be tired, too. And I am NOT looking forward to the hot weather, but it should be a short-lived affair.

  3. Your gardens are so lovely. I'm sure they enjoy the haircut too.
    Safe travels.

  4. thank goodness for air conditioning-ours runs day and night...still in 100s probably all this month and part of next. your yard with its greenery looks great all year long!

  5. Well done, the garden looks so manicured. Always amazed at the amount of work you two get done. So glad you got in the rest day and hope those hundreds hold off. We are a little tired of them here.

  6. I only do a few yards of cleaning up and I am exhausted. I am so impressed at how much you do, season by season, on your huge and beautiful yard.

    Hope the heat wave is kind to you!

  7. All good things must come to an end.

  8. You worked a lot and did a good job !
    I hope you enjoy your stay at the cabin.

  9. Wow! I am so impressed! Your garden is looking absolutely fabulous.


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